Thursday, April 12, 2012

The Den of Evil Off Topics - Page 4


The other suggestion would be to stake the place out and smash the culprits with an axe enchanted with cold and lightning LOL.

She lives in the UK. Possession of any sharp or large blunt object is illegal.|||Quote:

She lives in the UK. Possession of any sharp or large blunt object is illegal.

So... no knifes?! |||I understand that your not allowed to walk the streets with such things in plain sight, but to be illegal altogether...thats not any fun.

we call it POW or prohibited offensive weapon. It means that you can not modify or use a an object other then what it was created for. for example you couldn't drive some nails into a baseball bat and walk the streets. also if you take an axe thats for copping wood and wield it over your head in a threatening manner when DIII hits the streets to ensure you are the the first in line...thats bad too.

But your are allowed to keep weapons for recreational purposes in your house on display and in there proper place of use. hunting weapons are for hunting and display weapons are for display.

In the presence of a threat of serious bodily injurey and death or to protect ones home. You can use what ever means necassy to stop that threat. We call it the 2nd amendment. You just have to be able to prove without reasonable doubt that such an imminant threat existed.

You would be locked up if you hacked at somebody with an axe if the all they were doing was stealing you bike.|||Quote:

This is probably as OT as a post can get in here...

What security lights, if any, do people have on their property?

Last night I noticed a security light at the end of my garden (on the other side of my garden fence) had been smashed in and part of my fence removed (in order to get easier access I assume) so I've been researching things I can do to make it less appealing for thieves.

I already have a six foot fence all round the garden and locked gates. I found an alarmed padlock to add to the gate but there seem to be so many security lights out there I don't know which are the most reliable and which are harder for thieves to break. The next light I get though will be placed much higher up. I also want to get one in the garden shining on the end of the garden so as soon as they poke their greasy little pin heads above the fence it'll go off.

I have one of those million candle torches which I have in my bedroom now. 'course every sound I heard last night I was up and at the window shining it down there. Makes me angry more than scared.

Anyone got any advice or been in a similar position?

well, the only advice i can do 4 you, is move house to another place, some where where word crime is unknown, or ........ buy body/house guard,

if cant boy/hire bodyguard, buy best human friend, big massive doggy, keep it constantly hungry, so it would bit back side off thieve

edit, make sure dog really hungry, but not too hungry to eat human, in which cause your dog would be put down ((((|||Thanks for advice folks.

I can't go at anyone with a knife or I'd be done and I don't have a gun and wouldn't want one either.

I'm not looking to challenge anyone. I'm getting new lights up high and I've alarmed the gate and sheds. I'm also leaving lights on at the back of the house all the time now so hopefully that'll put them off. Someone's always in the house anyway. I just wanted a way to prevent any confrontation. Although I'd not go for anyway outside of my property if they came into the garden/house I'd have no hesitation. I did with a guy who used to hang outside my house all night just watching. I chased him down the road, pinned him to some hedges, put my hands round his neck and told him next time I'd squeeze harder. Fight or flight I guess.

@ captain. There was a famous case here of a guy shooting some skank who broke into his house in the country - I believe he killed him but not 100% sure. Anyway, he went down for it. Things are slightly different in the UK.

I don't know about the law as regards protecting property in the UK. Self defence would be a different thing but whether you're allowed to attack someone who has broken into your house if they don't threaten you physical harm I don't know.

I mean if someone broke in and sat you down and told you not to move while they stole your stuff can you get up and threaten them at knifepoint to leave? If there's a struggle and you stab them can they sue you for GBH?|||Quote:

Thanks for advice folks.

I don't know about the law as regards protecting property in the UK. Self defence would be a different thing but whether you're allowed to attack someone who has broken into your house if they don't threaten you physical harm I don't know.

I mean if someone broke in and sat you down and told you not to move while they stole your stuff can you get up and threaten them at knifepoint to leave? If there's a struggle and you stab them can they sue you for GBH?

i live in uk, maybe u know little corner called west yourkshire keighley, well that is where i live, altho lights are good measure, they useless against robbery ( iknow, my friend been robbed) high fence. hmmm i d say attract even more robberers, cause what it says: "LOOK, I GOT SOMETHING HIDDEN IN HERE", doesnt really help it, does it?

about knifes and threads, when some one got in his house, u could do quite a lot to him, beside costrating em, and cutting body parts off, plz dont make him bleed, not good.

what u can do thro is that u can tied em up, beat him till u get bored with em, (no face contact, really seriouse about that) try not to make much of marks on em either. so best thing is to google some medicin, and learn where healthy / unhealthy points are and use them

u cant put stakes out, cause u have no permission of ur councle, and they do it rarely

best legal advice that i can give u, is that have a chat with ur neighbors, orgonaize crime watch and make patrols in ur area with enchanted (what is leagal here, i fogor what u CAN take with u for a walk) fist with ice fire and light and kill them all


better one is to get couple of cats, cause no one (robbers and all faul creatures) like them. to inlight you, cats are holy animals and defend you from evil, if u love them and looking after them, if not..... erm..... dont bother

or like i posted b4, move ur house

edit: i love rant guy , he is ACE|||Once upon a time, Elly banned me for something. I don't remember what.|||Quote:

Once upon a time, Elly banned me for something. I don't remember what.

should have asked her out when she told like 10 tousand times no

messing about|||Quote:

Once upon a time, Elly banned me for something. I don't remember what.

Because she has nightmares about Lion-O|||This Is Just To Say

I have eaten

the plums

that were in

the icebox

and which

you were probably


for breakfast.

Forgive me

they were delicious

so sweet

and so cold.

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