The fact that getting real money from purchases being a percentage isn't something I feel was lied about, but it is something of note. There are all these crazy people who think they will legitimately make money off the AH while playing, and knowing that you'll not only have to do it piecemeal, but also for a % loss, will damper that significantly.
Blizz needs to have a "cash out" option, so that a player can amass a significant amount of Bobby Bucks (I love this term btw, whoever coined it), then transfer it. By having it be something you decide on right then and there at each transaction, Blizz is dissuading players from cashing out, say, $2.00, and instead encouraging you to just leave it as Bobby Bucks. Then, the money is essentially theirs.
Pardo also mentions that frequent trading will be encouraged, so that there will be multiple fees being placed, and essentially slowly draining the user dry of his points, or having that little leftover that won't be enough to spend on anything. A million players with $0.25 (or whatever is just under the minimum bid amount) in leftover money adds up, and is essentially impossible to spend unless one goes out of their way to add enough funds to balance it out, and then spend again to put their balance at $0.00.
I understand these phone calls are for investors and stockholders, but statements like the ones at 8:30, 15:00, 15:45 annoy me to the Nth degree. It leads right into Kotick's infamous "take the fun out of gaming"... which was "taken out of context", yet it's exactly what his influence has done.|||Wondering, if moderators have decided to make a live chat tomorow ...Coach outletCoach outlet stores|||Quote:
Wondering, if moderators have decided to make a live chat tomorow ...Coach outletCoach outlet stores
A for effort.|||Quote:
But i've now clarified it and the 'argument' is dead. The initial reply from fappos, was clearly made without ever listening to the video/call.
Don't be mad because someone calls you on your hyperbolic butthurt whining about 'lies' when there in fact was none

Don't be mad because someone calls you on your hyperbolic butthurt whining about 'lies' when there in fact was none

And you didn't even read my initial response either. You really fail at reading, kid. Scroll back a page and R E A D|||Quote:
A for effort.
That wasn't a joke, that was a real forum chat spam bot. Joined date Sept 2011, posts 3, incoherent response, links to trashy clothing stores, def a bot.
and such a stereotypical name too, Yingchun.|||Is it possible to delete replies?|||Don't think so, save for the admin.
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