I suggest that you move out from your dump to a real city.|||Quote:
Thanks for this exciting topic.
I suggest that you move out from your dump to a real city.
lol, another one.

Thanks for this exciting topic.
I suggest that you move out from your dump to a real city.
It amazes me how few people read the whole post but insist on posting anyway. The guy lives out of country in Brasil and blizzard does not have server infrastructure in place to support South American customers. So you statement is crude and misinformed. Or in other words

No way, dude, in WWIII everyone gets drafted. The robot armies are near limitless, we'll need all the cannon fodder we can get.
Easy solution. Trick the robots into playing D3, and Warden will smite them down.|||Quote:
What you personally choose to believe has no bearing on the reality of the situation whatsoever.
Which is of course true for everyone in any conversation about any topic ever so everyone should just stop discussing things forever and ever. Amen.|||Quote:
Why blizzard cant do different codepaths for iten generation, storage and "server" interaction when in offline mode wich would not have similarities at all with battlenet code so crackers can't get any advantages when studyind offline code? I'm not a programer but solutions like that are not that hard to figure out when you put a little effort on the matter.
Because no one wants to wait another year while they write that code.|||Quote:
I asked people here once if I was missing something about how D2's dupes and hacks were caused by the inclusion offline play. The answer was...they weren't really.
If not by client-side access to the code, then by WHAT were dupes/hacks enabled?
Honest question...|||Quote:
Because no one wants to wait another year while they write that code.
A year? It's not like they would have to crack their own game in order to implement offline mode. They already have access to the source code. It should be relatively easy and not that much time consuming. I'll not underestimate the effort that those programers would have to put into it, since they obviously would do it with quality.
Another thing, I guess the game is/was offline capable since day1 for testing purposes. It's not like it would be something completely new to figure out.|||Quote:
If not by client-side access to the code, then by WHAT were dupes/hacks enabled?
Honest question...
The only way to duplicate items without having the item files and code client-side was to find a glitch in the actual game. In other words, duplication won't be possible unless Blizzard allows it, accidentally or otherwise.
Bots are a different matter, though, since they only replicate things you're doing client-side; like mouse clicking and key pushing.|||Quote:
The only way to duplicate items without having the item files and code client-side was to find a glitch in the actual game. In other words, duplication won't be possible unless Blizzard allows it, accidentally or otherwise.
Bots are a different matter, though, since they only replicate things you're doing client-side; like mouse clicking and key pushing.
Sooooo... the people he asked were... not incredibly bright?
I can wrap my head around that, yeah.
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