eg. i like the idea of (Heroes of newerth / dota )
"The swords, ensouled with the spirits of great but sinful warriors, are so proud that they will abandon a master who falls in battle rather than serve one they deem a failure."
an item which can no longer be used once you die

no risk no fun.
regardless, i think its foolish to make so many assumptions yet, people treat Diablo 3 like they intend to play it for the rest of their life. but we dont know about droprates and market saturation yet. i mean there was never a game which such a large functional market. (WoW doesnt count for obv reason.)
and in the end every expansion (they said the want to make ~2) will probably degrade the previous generation of items. mudflation 4tw thus revitalizing the itemhunt and RMAH $$$
this will keep diablo 3 atleast ~5-7 years in business , by then they made a nice buck off of d3 copies / expansion packs / RMAH. and "Titan" will probably also be released at that point.
ye the market will inflate eventually if your time axis is infinite that is inevitable. but if the market is already oversaturated with all kind of top notch gear 3 months after release than Blizzard just did a ****ty job. ofc it would improve the transactions but only for a short while, because if a is player able to reach endgame gear this fast, they have no intent to play anymore. (the way is the goal after all)
after all diablo 3 is a itemhunting game and if the hunt equals pay 10 usd to buy endgame gear from a totally oversturated market , than no one will play.|||Stop saying items that lose durability/etc don't matter on HC. Does anyone play HC without someone there to get loot if the worst happens? Yes, HCs die less for obvious reasons, but it isn't as if any death penalties to items don't affect them.|||*cough* I believe it was stated that HC looting has been removed in D3, if you die you lose all items. Someone can confirm me on this?|||Quote:
*cough* I believe it was stated that HC looting has been removed in D3, if you die you lose all items. Someone can confirm me on this?
I have heard no confirmation on this, just speculation.
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