Saturday, April 21, 2012

Question about Cooldown with spell

Hello guys,

I was wondering if it was ''true'' about the fact that the big top tier skills were like 2 minutes of cooldown?

What about the other skill not considered as the top tier skill in the tree for their cooldown estimated time?


Do you think we will have runes to increased the duration of a spell?|||We know that the top three Barbarian skills (Earthquake, Wrath of the Berserker, Call of the Ancients) are two minute cooldowns. We also know that, generally, higher tier skills are more likely to have longer cooldowns.

Outside of that, we don't really have any hard data.|||Yeah, it makes sense that the 'big' skills take time to prevent excess spamming. Here's a link I stumbled upon containing the Blizzard's response to the matter. I remember reading somewhere that the wizard's teleport is also restricted to a few seconds which would certainly decrease D2-like straight-to-boss item hunting.

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