Saturday, April 21, 2012

What do you want in D3 Beta news/content coverage?

Hey guys.

Elly and I have been talking about what we're going to focus on when the beta kicks off, and it occurred to me that I don't really know what you guys most want to know. I assume you'll want to see videos; we'll be linking to live streams of people playing, and putting up a bunch of screenshots and interface views and such. But what else? What should I be focusing on during my play time?

Do you want write ups of content? Quest walkthroughs? Summaries of the game story info? Comparative analyses of class strengths and weaknesses? Item stats?

Obviously we'll be doing all of that, for the site and the wiki, but I'm just wondering where we should focus our initial efforts, and to how much depth.

Obviously the beta isn't very much of the game, and we already know pretty much everything that's in it in general terms, but with the whole thing in our hands we'll be able to go into much more specifics.|||As many of the game mechanics as you can find. Doubt there will be anything else worthwhile from "Up to Blood Raven" amount of game content.|||Hey Flux, first off, THANKS for asking and actually seeking community feedback. We appreciate it.

Second, I have been encoding some high quality 1080p videos for Chris at GGG (Path of Exile Beta) and they have been looking great. So for me, I am just a technical junkie and I want to see a FULL QUALITY 1080p video (not a stream) and all the video/sound/interface options.

Third, any info on lore/quest info would be great even though we know Blizz will tear some out.

Thanks again!|||HD videos w/ intelligent, knowledgeable commentary.|||I am interested in mechanics of skills etc more than anything. I really want to see and hear how they actually play out and how the new energy mechanics are affected or their effectiveness. And of course great footage with clear and concise narration.|||I want to know what its like to actively use multiple skills. switching back and forth between several of them, based on some type of strategy. is it as good as blizz claims it is? after the newness wears off?|||@Flux, will there be separate beta forums after it launches or will most discussion still be in this forum?|||Live stream of people playing will be on the frontpage Of this website?

I would like to know if the beta discussions are in the current forum of D3. Could it be possible to push a "spoiler button" inside beta test threads so we can decide if we want to read or not about specific infos inside the beta? On the other side, if it's too complicated by using a spoiler button, could it be possible to put a specific color for each threads in relation with official beta test.|||I want data! Screenshots of the interface! Tooltips! Numbers! Stats! The beginnings of an item database!|||High quality sound effects would be nice. I feel like all the videos we get lately are muted or playing other music in the background.

Other than that I mainly want to see in depth skill analysis and some armor progression (what little there will be in the small portion of act 1 available).

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