edit: Beaten to it. I'd wait and see. It won't be as bad as you think. Maybe wait a few weeks see how other Brazilian players are faring.|||Quote:
As far as I know the SC2 LA server is just a "realm", all server hardware for both US and LA are located in the US.
As for WoW Brazil, even those servers are not guaranteed to be located here. In recently interviews with local press the guy responsible for latin american operations was dodgy when sort of answering the question. Looks like server costs are considerably lower in the US, wich would be more profitable for blizzard. But I dont know, maybe the monthly subscription would compensate for higher server costs, given a reasonable amount of players joining the game.
I just read the Brasil wow page and it says
Where are the servers located? The latency will be lower?
Our operations team is working with major Internet service providers to ensure that players have the best gaming experience possible.
I guess when you see latin america in the server you would think that the servers are like Europe and located where they say. I feel for you if this is not the case but I am curious as to what you latency in wow actually is or any players in your area.|||Quote:
Why blizzard cant do different codepaths for iten generation, storage and "server" interaction when in offline mode wich would not have similarities at all with battlenet code so crackers can't get any advantages when studyind offline code? I'm not a programer but solutions like that are not that hard to figure out when you put a little effort on the matter.
I fully agree with you even if I have a correct internet connection, here in my house in Belgium.
- Provider down --> no D3
- Blizzard server maintenance --> no D3
- Modem down --> no D3
- In a plane, a train, a car --> no D3
- In vacation --> no D3
- bad internet --> no D3
- No internet --> no D3
Worst decision ever...|||Yeah...it won't affect me much personally much but I was very disappointed that Blizz would do this to so many of their fans. And I totally don't buy the "better security" explanation. Bah.|||Quote:
I fully agree with you even if I have a correct internet connection, here in my house in Belgium.
- Provider down --> no D3
- Blizzard server maintenance --> no D3
- Modem down --> no D3
- In a plane, a train, a car --> no D3
- In vacation --> no D3
- bad internet --> no D3
- No internet --> no D3
Worst decision ever...
Don't forget:
- Cat pisses on modem --> no D3
- Violent thunder storm --> no D3
- Meteor hit house --> no D3
- Alien invasion --> no D3
- WWIII --> no D3
- Apocalypse --> no D3
At this rate, I don't know if I'll even be able to play the damn game.|||Quote:
Don't forget:
- Violent thunder storm --> no D3
- Meteor hit house --> no D3
- Alien invasion --> no D3
- WWIII --> no D3
- Apocalypse --> no D3
Kid pulled out the ethernet cable --> no D3
No money to pay for Internet connection --> no D3
Wife downloading 2gig video --> no D3
Anything else we're forgetting?
DAMN, D3 is a crappy game since it all hangs on that elusive beast called the Internets.|||Having a Diarrhea --> no D3
Having a crappy cpu --> no D3 no D3|||Hands eaten by bears --> no D3
Fortunately, by D4 video games will be controlled directly by our brains so bears can't stop us. Unless bears eat your brains. Ummmmm, what were we talking about again?|||Quote:
Yeah...it won't affect me much personally much but I was very disappointed that Blizz would do this to so many of their fans. And I totally don't buy the "better security" explanation. Bah.
Just curious, what makes you think it will not ensure better security?|||Quote:
Just curious, what makes you think it will not ensure better security?
I asked people here once if I was missing something about how D2's dupes and hacks were caused by the inclusion offline play. The answer was...they weren't really. So I don't see why it would be a security problem in D3.
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