well for those wow boys that don't know here's a little history for you...
Diablo 2 had awsome servers at the time it was released all worked fine and everybody was happy... until WoW came out... suddenly we had lost connections, games that you could,t join because "the door" didn't opened, suddenly it wasn't so good anymore... wich is funny since the hardware and the connections were beter...
This could be the it of it... but no... now that diablo 3 is a reality we suddenly have great servers again and everything is great... possibly a coincidence right? that the diablo 2 players (and obviously the most probable diablo 3 players) are costumers again?
And guess what? i didn't buy any other blizz game cause i don't like them... The one i like and will buy is coming out soon!!!!!
So since i'm always a costumer (i bought all diablos till now) and will be a costumer (i'm buying diablo 3) i guess they should treat me like a costumer...
As for the technichal reasons (wich was a good reply and made a valid point) that doesn't apply in this case.. since my trial account is valid for viewing it should be valid for posting. I don't want my diablo II Account on battle.net 2.0 just want to post on the forums with my battle.net account wich has diablo II and WoW trial registered. They can validate that and upgarde it to full account they just don't want to for some reason...
Were you born with this sense of entitlement or were you raised this way. There are few other threads about this exact same issue but you came here and decided to make your own and make sure the world hears you so your sense of entitlement is off the charts.
And insulting people in your 1st line is hilarious and just shows how clueless you are. And please learn to type properly all your infinity "..." make zero sense.
I am not sure what you are expecting from your posts but to say no one cares about your personal beef, with not being able to post on a useless blizzard forum that offers ZERO in the way of information, would be a severe understatement.

The problem is NEEDING and ACTIVE WoW account or SCII account to post which is stupid, they could still ban my inactive wow account as well as forum access and it would remove my posting abilities as well as ban me from WoW incase i wanted to start playing again, but i see absolutely no reason to need an ACTIVE account to post. Why should i spend money on re-subbing my WoW account i do not have the urge to play just to post on the Diablo 3 forums.
I agree with this angle completely. I believe they do not want people to bash WoW because they are bitter after quitting the game. I know I'm bitter about WoW, through vanilla the pvp was soooooo much fun, then it got ruined in BC|||Quote:
The problem is NEEDING and ACTIVE WoW account or SCII account to post which is stupid, they could still ban my inactive wow account as well as forum access and it would remove my posting abilities as well as ban me from WoW incase i wanted to start playing again, but i see absolutely no reason to need an ACTIVE account to post. Why should i spend money on re-subbing my WoW account i do not have the urge to play just to post on the Diablo 3 forums.
I think the problem here is they want you to have something of value to lose. Active means you're still interested in the game while inactive at least implies you might be willing to sacrifice that account to go on a petty tirade.
Beyond that it might just be a technical issue. The WoW forums have always operated that way and these new forums are the same mechanically, just with the WoW and SC2 profiles merged. It may be more of a hassle to change than we realize.|||Quote:
well for those wow boys that don't know here's a little history for you...
Diablo 2 had awsome servers at the time it was released all worked fine and everybody was happy... until WoW came out... suddenly we had lost connections, games that you could,t join because "the door" didn't opened, suddenly it wasn't so good anymore... wich is funny since the hardware and the connections were beter...
LOL good one. Diablo II (old Bnet) servers have always been terribly unstable, and caused many a death. The door that didn't open also predates WoW by far.|||It's very unfortunate, that you can't use your D2 account to post on the new forums, but if you think about it it's completely understandable, even from a player's perspective. You have to realize, that allowing accounts to post, which only have classic Blizzard games linked to them would mean, that the new forums would be full of spammers, since you can easily generate new CD keys for those games if you get banned. Sadly, Blizzard can't change the key generation methods for their old games by now but they can make sure, that their new games won't have problems like these, so hopefully from now on keys from any of their products will make you eligible to post on their forums.|||some answers make valid points and that was what this was all about... Now i strated this thread because i searched and found nothing on the topic... About the di3 forum beeing about kiddies and stuff.. well some of the answers are on the same level... i believe i'm free to speak my mind.. maybe i'm wrong... sorry bout that..
By the way i'm not english or anything so regarding my bad english i bet you don't speak my languange as well as me right?
And the guy who called me kid... TXX man... i don't have plastics and stuff... just gym and 8 hours sleep.. that's the secret of my youth...
Why anytime somewhone askes a question about something they disagree there's always lots of agressive answers? calm down...
Once again tx to those valid replys...|||While it sucks you can't get in on the beta, on the bright side, you never purchased and played WoW.
Can't speak for SC2.|||i played wow.. didn't like it so never bought it...
same for SC...
i bought warcraft 3 thought it was fun but that's it...
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