Saturday, April 21, 2012

Would you pay to get beta access? - Page 9

Count me in under the "would not" crowd.|||No I won't pay to get access even it is D3 we are talking here.|||Quote:

It is easy to say you wouldn't but when a price is put on it things can change.

If all you had to do was log on to and pay 5 dollars to get access would you?

I would say yes to that for sure.

Of course this won't ever happen and if it did I would definitely think much less of Blizzard. I would think of them like Activision and their crappy 15 dollars for a map pack of a few maps with some that are recycled. I bought two of those and I really regret it. It is why I never bought black ops and I will go with bf3 over mw3.

If it was $.50 I still wouldn't pay to access the beta. It's going to be fairly brief and probably buggy. Not worth anything IMO.|||Quote:

It is easy to say you wouldn't but when a price is put on it things can change.

If all you had to do was log on to and pay 5 dollars to get access would you?

I would say yes to that for sure.

I would want to but would have to say no on principal.

I think that would be a horrible thing for Blizzard to do. It would be an exploitation of the community, and it would be counter-intuitive to the nature of a beta test.

So I would have to say no to it. But there's a reason they don't charge money for their beta tests.

I mean, technically they did for SC2 but that money was taken off the final purchase price of your game, and it was a way to pull in RTS fans to test, which they sorely needed. I have no moral qualm with that.

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