Help me compile and/or discuss reasons for online only from Blizzard's (or Bobby's if you like) perspective:
*In no particular order
1) Data security, especially how it's central to the game design (trade, AH, lootz...etc).
- Should be THE point to be pushed to public. Confirmed by Blizz, this will help combat bot and dupe.
2) Ease of patching, greater control over game world, manager tool.
- Should be another sidedish point pushed to public should variety be desired. Confirmed by Blizz. More responsive patching to ensure better balance and better gaming experience.
3) Greater data collection.
- Knowledge is power and all that, marketing will be turning these data inside out along with other uses such as behavioral study and general data mining. Indirectly insinuated by Blizz?
4) Exposure and Indoctrination
- Forcing you onto Bnet 2.0 will inadvertently expose you to other Blizz titles. Free constant advertising to their most lucrative target audience.
5) RMAH and lock-in effect
Being in constant proximity to RMAH greatly increases the chance of a player using it and accumulating Blizzard credit, creating a lock-in effect to blizzard products when you have Blizz credit remaining. Since all "SP" is online, items you find during "SP" can be sold for $, greatly tempting casual player to participate in RMAH. Once a casual player have sold some items for blizz cred, it's pretty much future profit for Blizz, it also act as a sort of gateway drug in getting a casual or sworn anti-RM player to participate more in RMAH. Looks to be the beginning of a grand strategy, no doubt inspired on some level by various others like Steam, game hub models ...etc
6) DRM
Self-explanatory, also recapture some(most?) profit from 2nd hand trading.
What have I missed? Post your conjectures and/or discuss, I'll edit stuff in and out of OP as I see fit.|||-----drm-----|||Quote:
Of course, how could I forget

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Social features (friendslist, crossgame chat), achievments, badges, i think browser character viewing, cloud computing saves, whole playerbase are potential RMAH users (a smidge of tinfoil conspracy attitude there), matchmaking systems, i suppose drop-in drop-out coop system, pvp arena matchmaking... um... i think that's all from the top of my head i can remember from what blizz said what's good about online only.
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All things that can exist without online only.|||Quote:
All things that can exist without online only.
To some extent, i suppose so. I'm just listing them, i don't see the point in beating this aleready decomposing horse from multiple thread angle.|||whole playerbase are potential RMAH users (a smidge of tinfoil conspracy attitude there)
Captured in point 5) =P, no conspiracy my friend, I fully agree, it's clear from a business standpoint and I guarantee that it's discussed and intended by marketing and management.
"Social features (friendslist, crossgame chat), achievments, badges, browser character viewing, cloud save... matchmaking systems, i suppose drop-in drop-out coop system, pvp arena"
Hmmm it sounds like Blizz is trying to pull a fast one, those sound like features of being online rather then positive aspect of forcing online only requirement. Also I think these are reasons from the player's perspective rather then Blizz consideration.... and... my logic circuit is refusing to function! @.@ (Sleep deprivation does that)|||Quote:
Hmmm it sounds like Blizz is trying to pull a fast one, those sound like features of being online rather then positive aspect of forcing online only requirement. Also I think these are reasons from the player's perspective rather then Blizz consideration.... and... my logic circuit is refusing to function! @.@ (Sleep deprivation does that)
Wait... wait... i should put all those things in one bracket: "Blizzard wants us to enjoy those features, such as..." That would make sense in the context of the thread itself, just realised what the title is >.<
Yes, lack of sleep is bad. Probably should spend more time sleeping, and less time trying to act SMRT on forums >.<|||The latest reason from Blizzard (and dumbest) is that it would take too long to implement offline mode and they just want to release the game for us sooner. They really should just stick to the important and REAL reasons rather than insult us with stuff like that.|||Problem is.. there is just too much dumb people. They wouldn't believe/understand real reasons so they are trying something simple?

Why there is no offline game Mr. Whoeveryouare?
"hmm..could I tell them it's for improving security or something like that? Ah damn..noone will buy it, nor I have time to explain it...let's think about!!"
"got it!!!" - Ladies and gentlemen, we don't have time..
Yes, it's facepalm worthy but I believe there is tons of people who will buy this reason more than some "security blah blah"...
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