This will be a valuable thread to link back to people who haven't got these concepts yet.
Bravo.|||So I first thought this was a post to give people all the reasons why single player mode requires an internet connection...but then I read this :
5) RMAH and lock-in effect
Being in constant proximity to RMAH greatly increases the chance of one using it and accumulating Blizzard dollars, creating a lock-in effect to blizzard products when you have a Blizz dollar account there. Even if you play "SP" online, you may find an item for a class you don't use that can be sold for $, greatly tempting player to participate in RMAH, and once you have blizz dollar, it's pretty much future profit. Looks to be the beginning of a grand strategy, no doubt inspired on some level by various others like Steam, game hub models ...etc
Now I'm just very confused :o|||Quote:
Now I'm just very confused :o
You buy/sell an item with blizz dollars/points before/after you exchange it for real money. That middle ground in addition to the advertising of other games within's UI = "lock in"
The proximity thing is comparing it against the illegal sites of old, the RMAH is in game and very easily accessible, which means less of a push to actually pay for something. Impulse buyers eat that right up.|||yeah that list sums it up pretty well.
i dont care if its online only, as long as the dupes and hacks dont ruin my game experience and I get a laugh when the bots are banned and have to buy a new account.|||Quote:
aj2000 thank you, I guess all my (and others) ranting has been lost in the fog of ridiculously long threads on various topics, and very fragmented.
This will be a valuable thread to link back to people who haven't got these concepts yet.
You say it as if all those of us who hate the "online only" thing haven't realised these reasons...
Preface: The post is made in a strictly neutral and informational spirit to satisfy my curiosity. Think of it as an exercise in a marketing / PR class. No Capitalism = Nazi stuff please.
Help me compile and/or discuss reasons for online only from Blizzard's (or Bobby's if you like) perspective:
*In no particular order
1) Data security, especially how it's central to the game design (trade, AH, lootz...etc).
- Should be THE point to be pushed to public. Confirmed by Blizz.
2) Ease of patching, greater control over game world, manager tool.
- Should be another sidedish point pushed to public should variety be desired. Confirmed by Blizz.
3) Greater data collection.
- Knowledge is power and all that, marketing will be turning these data inside out along with other uses such as behavioral study and general data mining. Indirectly insinuated by Blizz?
4) Exposure and Indoctrination
- Forcing you onto Bnet 2.0 will inadvertently expose you to other Blizz titles. Free constant advertising to their most lucrative target audience.
5) RMAH and lock-in effect
Being in constant proximity to RMAH greatly increases the chance of one using it and accumulating Blizzard dollars, creating a lock-in effect to blizzard products when you have a Blizz dollar account there. Even if you play "SP" online, you may find an item for a class you don't use that can be sold for $, greatly tempting player to participate in RMAH, and once you have blizz dollar, it's pretty much future profit. Looks to be the beginning of a grand strategy, no doubt inspired on some level by various others like Steam, game hub models ...etc
6) DRM
Self-explanatory, also recapture some(most?) profit from 2nd hand trading.
What have I missed? Post your conjectures and/or discuss, I'll edit stuff in and out of OP as I see fit.
Yep, those are exactly the reasons... It still makes me angry though, it's a shame...
I don't know the others, but particularly I don't like the "online only" thing because it means I may not be able to play the game at all... I understand that there are reasons behind it, but the reasons don't matter if I don't even get to play the game, do them?|||Leugi, it's true that Blizz sacrificed some of it's potential players (reliable online access) for what they weighted as the more lucrative option... It sucks, but that's life.
For those of us with reliable online access we tend to agree that the benefit outweighs the inconvenience, though I imagine that if I happen to fall in those minority where I simply don't have the access requirements to I'd be pretty pissed too... I can only sympathize, if I waited 7 years only to get screwed like that I would be Frothing MAD.
*cough* If you give it a bit of time and look for... ways, you will very likely be able to play despite not having reliable internet. It's not much, but it's something... You'll forgive me if I don't elaborate.|||Quote:
You buy/sell an item with blizz dollars/points before/after you exchange it for real money. That middle ground in addition to the advertising of other games within's UI = "lock in"
The proximity thing is comparing it against the illegal sites of old, the RMAH is in game and very easily accessible, which means less of a push to actually pay for something. Impulse buyers eat that right up.
That's not what I mean...I know what the auction house is and know how it works. I'm just wondering why it's in a single player thread?|||Quote:
That's not what I mean...I know what the auction house is and know how it works. I'm just wondering why it's in a single player thread?
Your confusion is contagious! Now I'm confused

I've seen some reasonable and thoughtful post, and some... knee-jerk reaction post without much thought to put it kindly.
I wanted to address mainly the 2nd category by provide a concise list of realistic factual reason (educated guess...) as a platform to build discussions on regarding "always online" issue, this should hopefully provoke better thought out arguments and cut down on thoughtless reaction (morally wrong...)
Edit: Oh crap, when I re-read that my eyes kinda glazed over and I drooled a bit... I hate it when I sound academic... Forgive me...
Leugi, your case falls in the 3rd category (FaeLiN was referring more to the 2nd category I believe), the minority who were given up and sacrificed by blizzard for the benefit of the majority and profit. Your grievance everyone will acknowledge is very legitimate, but still... we (the majority) look away... It's just how the real world works.
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