Hello, I'm new here.
I suppose this question is directed to people who played WoW, since spells will be on number key macros, as it was in WoW, instead of toggled F keys as in D2, so I would assume you cast spells in the same manner.
If I have a spell on key 1, with which I must give a target or location, do I have to hit "1", and then click on the target? Or do I have to click on the target while holding 1.
The two make a big difference. With Magic Missile, for example, if the former is to be the case, if I wanted to spam MMs at an opponent, I would keep on having to press "1-click-1-click-1-click-1-click-etc...". However, if the latter system is imposed, all I would have to do is hold "1" and press "click click click click....". I prefer the latter, of course, as it makes execution faster.
How did it work in WoW? Also, was there any info from Blizz reps regarding this in D3?
Thanks.|||I was always assuming that you pressed the key while hovering your mouse where you wanted it to go (no clicking necessary). Anyone who has played any of the demos able to answer this? Because I'd like to know as well.|||Quote:
I was always assuming that you pressed the key while hovering your mouse where you wanted it to go (no clicking necessary). Anyone who has played any of the demos able to answer this? Because I'd like to know as well.
Pretty sure that's how it worked in the demo I played. That was like the monk demo though. So who knows what they've done since then.|||Hmm, not bad. That's actually simpler than either of my thoughts; I can't believe I didn't think of that.
Will we also be able to bind an ability to right and left click?
EDIT: I also remember seeing some AoE skills cast in arena footage, where a circle hovered over the area in which the spell is cast. Maybe I'm just remembering incorrectly, but if this is the case, doesn't that mean that the process for those skills are different? (Like one of the ones I mentioned in my original post.)|||I've been wondering to but I believe it's "point where you want then one-one-one-one-one-one-one".
Will we also be able to bind an ability to right and left click?
Those are by default the 1st two of your total 6 hotkeys.|||its as yovargas says, you point with the mouse and activate the skill with a single hit of wherever you have it hotkeyed on your keyboard.
played a game called nox like this way back during diablo 1's time and it is very nice for chaining spells together.|||you could get a good feel for it by playing torchlight, i believe it's basically the same thing.|||Then you have to remember with the Left Mouse ability you have to actually click the enemy (otherwise you just run to wherever you click). The only way to bypass this is by holding down Shift, then you can click anywhere and it will just use the ability rather than run.|||So basically like it is now, except with the added ability to actually cast abilities from keybinds... Nice|||Okay but what about AoE spells. I seem to recall footage where, just before an AoE spell is cast, a cursor highlighting a circular area is moved around. (Maybe I'm crazy?) If an AoE spell is bound to a key, do you still just press the button with your mouse hovering, or do you have to press and click?
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