I Guess the money i spent on diablo so far doesn't count for nothing. Will the money i'm going to spend on Diablo 3 going to be forgotten in ten years? How long is the money valid for blizzard?
Im truly disappointed at blizzard because of this issue. I'm going to buy diablo 3 anyway but at least i know that my money will be worth nothing to them after they get it or after some years...|||Look, while it look simple from player perspective.. "I own Diablo 1 and 2 and I should be able to post in Diablo 3 forum" ... it even sounds logical and reasonable, they are not ignoring these players or think they don't count.. Reason is battle.net 2.0 .. It's very different infrastructure... and only WoW, SC2 and now D3 exists in this platform..all old games are hanging in old outdated battle.net..
Of course..they could probably merge databases from both battle.nets somehow...but maybe not.. maybe these systems are so different ..that is not even possible.
I am not saying you shouldn't be disappointed... but people should think more about reasons why it's not possible just yet instead saying "blizzard hate us, we don't count etc"|||They just don't want trolls on the official site, and if you don't have an account on the new battle-net they don't have any reliable way to ban you for acting up. It has nothing to do with them not liking you.|||Not to be completely rude but you last bought a game from blizzard 10years ago and expect to be treated like a regular customer. I don't look at it like they are snubbing older players they are rewarding people who are currently invested in todays blizzard games.
Also as others have said the old games are not integrated into Bnet2.0 so it is also a technical issue. After the release of D3 you will need a D3 license to post there anyway.|||Yeah it entirely has to do with the new battle.net infrastructure. I can't post there either even though I have a starcraft 2 account. For some reason it will only let me choose my inactive WoW account. You don't see me crying over money I spent last year. Yet here you are crying over money you spent 10 f'ing years ago? Get over it, that forum is a damn cesspool filled with WoW kiddies and trolls.|||Quote:
Not to be completely rude but you last bought a game from blizzard 10years ago and expect to be treated like a regular customer. I don't look at it like they are snubbing older players they are rewarding people who are currently invested in todays blizzard games.
Also as others have said the old games are not integrated into Bnet2.0 so it is also a technical issue. After the release of D3 you will need a D3 license to post there anyway.
I got the same Problem, and I, too, can't understand why. My WoW Account still exists, I just don't play since February.
My Diablo 2 + LoD is registered in the very depths of my battle.net Account, I even downloaded the Games recently because I just want some Diablo-feeling again, before D3 releases

So where is the Problem in checking wether or not my Battlenet Account features registered Games?
ESPECIALLY, since having Diablo 2 SHOULD qualify someone MUCH MORE to post in DIABLO 3 Forums, than having an active World of WARCRAFT or STARCRAFT 2 Account... what does SC or WoW have to do with Diablo, anyway? Different Franchise...
Well, but whatever, as soon as I get into Beta, I'll get to Post in the Beta Specific Forums anyway ;D|||The sense of entitlement some people have is absolutely amazing to me.|||well for those wow boys that don't know here's a little history for you...
Diablo 2 had awsome servers at the time it was released all worked fine and everybody was happy... until WoW came out... suddenly we had lost connections, games that you could,t join because "the door" didn't opened, suddenly it wasn't so good anymore... wich is funny since the hardware and the connections were beter...
This could be the it of it... but no... now that diablo 3 is a reality we suddenly have great servers again and everything is great... possibly a coincidence right? that the diablo 2 players (and obviously the most probable diablo 3 players) are costumers again?
And guess what? i didn't buy any other blizz game cause i don't like them... The one i like and will buy is coming out soon!!!!!
So since i'm always a costumer (i bought all diablos till now) and will be a costumer (i'm buying diablo 3) i guess they should treat me like a costumer...
As for the technichal reasons (wich was a good reply and made a valid point) that doesn't apply in this case.. since my trial account is valid for viewing it should be valid for posting. I don't want my diablo II Account on battle.net 2.0 just want to post on the forums with my battle.net account wich has diablo II and WoW trial registered. They can validate that and upgarde it to full account they just don't want to for some reason...|||Quote:
I got the same Problem, and I, too, can't understand why. My WoW Account still exists, I just don't play since February.
My Diablo 2 + LoD is registered in the very depths of my battle.net Account, I even downloaded the Games recently because I just want some Diablo-feeling again, before D3 releases

So where is the Problem in checking wether or not my Battlenet Account features registered Games?
ESPECIALLY, since having Diablo 2 SHOULD qualify someone MUCH MORE to post in DIABLO 3 Forums, than having an active World of WARCRAFT or STARCRAFT 2 Account... what does SC or WoW have to do with Diablo, anyway? Different Franchise...
Well, but whatever, as soon as I get into Beta, I'll get to Post in the Beta Specific Forums anyway ;D
They know you own the game but it is not a bnet2.0 game so no posting. Your WOW account is expired so no posting.
It has been pointed out many times the reasoning behind this so I will not repeat them but those reasons are peppered all over this forum. And your last sentence should be "if" you get into beta not "as soon as".|||Quote:
well for those wow boys that don't know here's a little history for you...
Diablo 2 had awsome servers at the time it was released all worked fine and everybody was happy...
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