Recently I was playing diablo 2 on battlenet (US East). I just hate the latency, specially when doing inventory management. When playing offline the response is so much better, things happen instantly.
Cutting out sp offline mode is just complete bullsh!t, I see a lot of negative comments even from people within the US and Europe, wich supposedly have better internet infrastructure.
I really dont know if I will buy the game. And if I do and it sucks in the end, I'll have no way to really complain about it later - "You knew it was online only and your isp sucks, so why you bought it moron?!?". If there was sp offline, I would have some guarantee to play with a decent gameplay experience regardless of the quality of my internet connection.
Man, this situation sucks. I'm a huge fan of D1 and D2, I was really looking forward to D3, but now... I'll have to wait and see.|||Well one small ray of hope is that they're probably going to have servers closer to you than they did for D2. Definitely wait to see how it goes for other people on your ISP if this is a concern though.|||That's a good way to prevent dupes and hacks, sorry buddy but I approved their decision in regard of ''always online''.|||Quote:
That's a good way to prevent dupes and hacks, sorry buddy but I approved their decision in regard of ''always online''.
Why blizzard cant do different codepaths for iten generation, storage and "server" interaction when in offline mode wich would not have similarities at all with battlenet code so crackers can't get any advantages when studyind offline code? I'm not a programer but solutions like that are not that hard to figure out when you put a little effort on the matter.|||Yeah, I'm in the USA, yeah I have a high speed connection now. Yeah I disagree with the whole always online thing. Don't really care about their RMAH and what hackers would do to it, Would much rather have no RMAH and offline play, but they decided to go this route, very dissapointing, but I've decided to give the game a try anyway. Sly bastards, pulling this $hit in the 11th hour. If they had announced this in 08, or 09, I would have just not followed development anymore. Now, after planning to buy this game for so many years, it's hard to imagine NOT buying it. Except now it'll never be a '10.0' game in my eyes, no matter how good the gameplay is because the gameplay experience will be eroded by the always online crap.|||By the way... I'm just going to say I saw World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade on a torrent site. That game is always online.|||The big question for the OP is if you play SC2 because I know they have LA (Latin America) server for SC2 so it would be safe to assume they will have one for D3. Of course it also depends on your connection quality too but that will be true for all games with an online component.|||Quote:
By the way... I'm just going to say I saw World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade on a torrent site. That game is always online.
Not like downloading it will let you play it off line

By the way... I'm just going to say I saw World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade on a torrent site. That game is always online.
LOL. Yes, perhaps you can download the client-side game files, but that won't do a whole lot unless you are able to connect to a game server.
People just do not get this client/server architecture!|||Quote:
The big question for the OP is if you play SC2 because I know they have LA (Latin America) server for SC2 so it would be safe to assume they will have one for D3. Of course it also depends on your connection quality too but that will be true for all games with an online component.
As far as I know the SC2 LA server is just a "realm", all server hardware for both US and LA are located in the US.
As for WoW Brazil, even those servers are not guaranteed to be located here. In recently interviews with local press the guy responsible for latin american operations was dodgy when sort of answering the question. Looks like server costs are considerably lower in the US, wich would be more profitable for blizzard. But I dont know, maybe the monthly subscription would compensate for higher server costs, given a reasonable amount of players joining the game.
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