??????? yeah... i'm x3m... i don't know if you meant something else but that's my clan...????
Lucky. I'm not in a clan.

Yep that's true.. i wanted to post to defend blizz's ideas... sad isn't it????|||Quote:
Lucky. I'm not in a clan.

hey make one.. that's what i did... lol..
Community site forums are pretty much garbage anyway, who cares?
True... maybe not worth it but i though i should speak my mind...|||Quote:
i only wanted to post on battle.net cause i read some things about the AH system and Diablo 2 that aren�t true.
Don't bother. There are too many people out there who didn't follow the development of the game and are too lazy to read existing threads explaining how things will work. It's not your job to correct their assumptions, Blizzard will do that when the community site will finally have info on in-game stuff. Until then, stay a while and listen, that always works.

Yep that's true.. i wanted to post to defend blizz's ideas... sad isn't it????
It's not sad at all. You just want to defend your position.|||Quote:
The sense of entitlement some people have is absolutely amazing to me.
this.... also battle.net 2 has a different architecture etc etc etc.
These things happen every 10 or so years. Shiz get's updated. Also you aren't missing out. The forums are ban happy right now trying to tool back the years of trolling they let get out of hand

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