Thursday, April 12, 2012

The Den of Evil Off Topics - Page 5


Thanks for advice folks.

I can't go at anyone with a knife or I'd be done and I don't have a gun and wouldn't want one either.

I'm not looking to challenge anyone. I'm getting new lights up high and I've alarmed the gate and sheds. I'm also leaving lights on at the back of the house all the time now so hopefully that'll put them off. Someone's always in the house anyway. I just wanted a way to prevent any confrontation. Although I'd not go for anyway outside of my property if they came into the garden/house I'd have no hesitation. I did with a guy who used to hang outside my house all night just watching. I chased him down the road, pinned him to some hedges, put my hands round his neck and told him next time I'd squeeze harder. Fight or flight I guess.

@ captain. There was a famous case here of a guy shooting some skank who broke into his house in the country - I believe he killed him but not 100% sure. Anyway, he went down for it. Things are slightly different in the UK.

I don't know about the law as regards protecting property in the UK. Self defence would be a different thing but whether you're allowed to attack someone who has broken into your house if they don't threaten you physical harm I don't know.

I mean if someone broke in and sat you down and told you not to move while they stole your stuff can you get up and threaten them at knifepoint to leave? If there's a struggle and you stab them can they sue you for GBH?

Those cases have always been headliners. If you catch somebody making off with you tv. I wouldn't shoot him b/c you'll surely go down for it. It must be really clear that you were in serious danger.

THe fact remains that they are in you house illegaly and commiting a felony. Anyone can sue for anything at anytime. That doesn't mean they will win. Many judges will toss the case.|||I LOVE OT

well back to OT ( ) who is maiking this funny faces? I LOVE THEM.

is any of moderatest young enough for me to go out with???? (i hope i aint gonna get banned for that question ) (and i am 18, so gorgeouse girls about 17-25 will do very nicely )

if so, can i contact them any how?

if yes where do they live?

and yes i know it aint dating service but it is so hard to find lass that heard about diablo 2 not mentening likeing it

any way post me name + numbers ( acc name would be also welcome so to talk about love in blood mores:P (i ve heard it somewhere b4 making love in blood mores so just brought it back to live (i laughed like crazy when i heard it( i still do ( (doesnt help?(i am saying well too much( maybe a bit more?(i think should be enough( end of brains for more thoughts(LOL)))))))))

and back to OT (gosh i love saying back to OT) so most of our beloved moderaters live in America (i know Elly doesnt she said it on this forum, maybe couple before this one?????) if so, this is sooooo cool (That Is THE REASON WHY ELLY ROCKS (you just didnt read that out loud))

I love moderators, only good source of information that is usefull and no messing about (of course for that they made this thread, thread of OT (still love saying that))

EDIT: that picture represents sad diablo, because it is relaited to real life and represents me, i like diablo and WOW came out and now SC2 that i dont really like, I WANT DIABLO 3

I WANT DIABLO 3 TO BE OUT SUMMER '09 (yeah i know i mention before out march '09 but if be so they i will go here and mostlikely fail my courses, whay i dont want to do)

P.S. Peace brothers and Hotties|||Man, are you high? |||That was some serious rambling...

rambling is always fun, rambling about this and that and sometimes rambling about rambling, which is the funnest kind of rambling around. But rambling about rambling when you're rambling... it doesn't get much better than that.

<3 rambling.|||Quote:

But rambling about rambling when you're rambling... it doesn't get much better than that.

That's called spam.|||Who said spam can't be a good thing? |||Quote:

who said spam can't be a good thing?

no soup for you|||One month later I come back, to realize that I started a sticky OT thread. I feel important. Yay.|||Quote:

That's called spam.

It's the OT for a reason right |||Quote:

A few years ago I played a ARPG called Lionheart: Legacy of the Crusader. It's a bit old now, and didn't get great reviews but I had a lot of fun playing it. It has some really epic music in it as well. Definitely worth getting as it should be less than $10, especially if you're still playing D2 and haven't tried this. Good storyline as well.

Yeah I played that through to the end Id say its like a cross between Baldurs gate and Diablo.

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