Yes, profits will likely decline for any product over time. (No game will ever be an endless revenue source, not even WoW.) By the time there's not enough profit in it for it to seem worth it...D4 will have been announced.

With 10-15 years between releases D3 will need to be very successful for a very long time to maintain the level of support we're all anticipating. Will be interesting to see what happens.|||I figure the blizzard name will justify the purchase of D3. Free to play games can usually only survive so long before they start forcing people to pay for "required" aspects of the game. The whole cosmetic only non sense usually only lasts for so long. I'm a fan of actually buying a game and getting everything that comes with it.|||Quote:
Will be interesting to see what happens.
On that, I think everyone can agree with.

(I don't much like RMAH but I'm fascinated to see how the experiment turns out. I think many people are underestimating the possibility that it'll end up being a big failure.)|||Quote:
I think his point was that items could ONLY be sold on the gold-to-item auction house and the only way to put real money into the game is the gold<->cash conversion.
I think ultimately it's the same thing, but it does change people's perception on the value of items.
So essentially have a gold auction house only and then Blizz goes into business selling gold for real money lol.|||Quote:
They are; you will be able to sell and buy gold for real money via the RMAH.
I think his point was that items could ONLY be sold on the gold-to-item auction house and the only way to put real money into the game is the gold<->cash conversion.
I think ultimately it's the same thing, but it does change people's perception on the value of items.
For some reason, people seem to misunderstand me a lot on that. Yeah, I was proposing one auction house exclusively for gold-for-item transactions and one auction house exclusively for cash-for-gold transactions.
It would likely not only change the perception of item value, but also (1) would allow all players (including underage ones) access to all items on a single market instead of dividing them between the RMAH and GAH with underage players limited to the latter, (2) would preserve a gold sink on valuable items if they migrate predominately to the RMAH and (3) allow for a restructuring of the transaction fees toward those trying to make money off of the game rather than on everyone and thus potentially increase Blizzard's revenue through adjusted fees as well as more expansion sales thanks to happier underage, poorer and even regular players.
So essentially have a gold auction house only and then Blizz goes into business selling gold for real money lol.
How? Blizz isn't going to sell gold; players interested in so doing will be finding and selling the gold just like the gold-farmers in other games (including WoW). The only difference is that all items will be accessible to all players via gold or, indirectly, cash.
I guess Blizz could increase gold drops, but that will do nothing to increase the value of gold and, thus, the transaction amounts or frequency.
And, indeed, the system I proposed might keep the farmers more interested in gold so that they do not go after items as much, potentially helping to reduce item saturation. Maybe that should be a number "4" on my list above.|||Quote:
For some reason, people seem to misunderstand me a lot on that. Yeah, I was proposing one auction house exclusively for gold-for-item transactions and one auction house exclusively for cash-for-gold transactions.
It would likely not only change the perception of item value, but also (1) would allow all players (including underage ones) access to all items on a single market instead of dividing them between the RMAH and GAH with underage players limited to the latter, (2) would preserve a gold sink on valuable items if they migrate predominately to the RMAH and (3) allow for a restructuring of the transaction fees toward those trying to make money off of the game rather than on everyone and thus potentially increase Blizzard's revenue through adjusted fees as well as more expansion sales thanks to happier underage, poorer and even regular players.
I really like this idea. The idea of split/separate economies due to two AHs is one of the things that I see as being potentially harmful in the long run. Having a single AH like this is far more palatable to me.|||I think the easiest solution is to make it optional. All those players who want to pay a monthly fee can just donate whatever they want to Blizzard. Anyone who doesn't want to pay can skip it. Everybody's happy.
As for cash for gold AH and items for gold AH. I sorta like the sound of it. I'm not sure how it would play out off hand. It might turn into two tiers of items. Those that sell for a reasonable amount of gold and those that sell for astronomical amounts that you'll never be able to grind if you have a life. So, basically back to the same problem it would just put a middle man in there.
It also probably wouldn't work perfectly because some people would buy the gold and then turn around and see the item they wanted gone before they got their gold.|||Quote:
It also probably wouldn't work perfectly because...
Pretty much no system is going to work "perfectly" (even if you could define what "perfect" would look like in this case). I fully expect a lot of weird things to start happening as a result of the way it's set up now!|||Quote:
would allow all players (including underage ones) access to all items on a single market instead of dividing them between the RMAH and GAH with underage players limited to the latter
But they're not limited. An underage or poor player can sell items or gold for money and then use that money to purchase items on the RMAH.
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