Interesting option... but I'm not talented enough to warrant the cost ;p
You don't know. Perhaps with a longer pinky you'd be good enough to become famous.|||Quote:
You don't know. Perhaps with a longer pinky you'd be good enough to become famous.
Good enough to tour with Hall and Oates, lol|||Quote:
Hellgate London is seemingly getting an expansion...
"Korean publisher HanbitSoft has revealed that it is working on an downloadable expansion for Hellgate: London, and confirmed that it now holds the rights to the troubled PC action-RPG franchise."
Probably old news to a lot, but I just read it.
Interesting. The game itself isn't bad, just a few design flaws and some good ideas butchered by their execution, but it was still entertaining to play.
Anyone looking forward to this?
No , not really

I played the game and it had one fatal problem: It simply wasn't ANY fun. I can forgive a game it's little beauty issues, bugs, clipping and bad design... as long as the core game is fine..
Hell I even played fallout2 THIS year for the first time and loved it even though it looked like a pile of drab

I've been having a problem of late...
I can't fully play my bass guitar because my pinky is simply too short to fully execute what it NEEDS to do. Words cannot describe how infuriating that the only thing holding me back is my mother(insert) pinky.
anyway, just needed to vent while I try and vary my scales a bit more.
You can still play Bass with 3 fingers in your neck hand. You just need to train and be faster when changing frets. It could become a nice sliding style as well.

I personally loved the game

This is probably as OT as a post can get in here...
What security lights, if any, do people have on their property?
Last night I noticed a security light at the end of my garden (on the other side of my garden fence) had been smashed in and part of my fence removed (in order to get easier access I assume) so I've been researching things I can do to make it less appealing for thieves.
I already have a six foot fence all round the garden and locked gates. I found an alarmed padlock to add to the gate but there seem to be so many security lights out there I don't know which are the most reliable and which are harder for thieves to break. The next light I get though will be placed much higher up. I also want to get one in the garden shining on the end of the garden so as soon as they poke their greasy little pin heads above the fence it'll go off.
I have one of those million candle torches which I have in my bedroom now. 'course every sound I heard last night I was up and at the window shining it down there. Makes me angry more than scared.
Anyone got any advice or been in a similar position?

I suggest you call your local police station to report it and rerquest an increased patrol presence in your area. The police acually take these things seriously, its a quallity of life issue and it inproves communication with citizens and law enforcement.
The other suggestion would be to stake the place out and smash the culprits with an axe enchanted with cold and lightning LOL.
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