Only time i ever used Single Player was to run Trainers and try beefing up my character for fun. Never once used hacks/dupes on B.net; They destroyed Diablo 2.
If always online is what it will take to get rid of hacks and dupes, Amen to that.|||Quote:
If always online is what it will take to get rid of hacks and dupes, Amen to that.
I agree with that, I do.
However, I will still miss being able to play the entire game on MY computer, without server-lag.|||Welcome to the 21st century bro.|||Quote:
Welcome to the 21st century bro.
Troll much "bro"
I swear the amount of people who just post without reading the whole thread is amazing to me. What is the exact purpose of your post besides trolling.|||Troll troll troll troll. See I can say the word too. You're not a unique snowflake.
ITT: people complaining about internet access on an online forum. Yup..|||Quote:
Troll troll troll troll. See I can say the word too. You're not a unique snowflake.
ITT: people complaining about internet access on an online forum. Yup..
Wrong but you are a troll so I wouldn't expect you to understand. It was a complaint about not having server infrastructure to service people in South America/Brasil without lag. And that causing issue with online play.

Troll troll troll troll. See I can say the word too. You're not a unique snowflake.
ITT: people complaining about internet access on an online forum. Yup..
You don't see the difference between playing a game online and posting on a forum?|||Well it might not be obvious to you, but its a lot less frustrating to see a post appear 2 seconds later than you post it, then it is to see your spell trigger in PvP or in HC PvE with 2 second delay.
I'm okay with blizzards decision on this as long as it really helps on cutting down dupes/bots. I rather have a bit of lag and die one or two times for nothing than have the servers filled with bots and hackers.
As for SP, I don't know how SP friendly the game will be at all. They stated several times that they want to make grouping a core element of the game. Also they don't want you missing out on the RMAH. *cough cough*|||Been playing D2 for like a decade, not once in that timespan did I ever give a damn about hacks/dupes.
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