Oh don't tell me you're one of these damn people that are crying over blizzard making "more profit" off of us. It's better that money go to the company thats making your game, than to botters/hackers like it was in D2. Where the hell were you crying like a baby in D2 days? Seriously I want to see an old thread of you crying about 3rd party sites, it would delight me. And validate your crying.
Nice. Where did that come from?
Just another warning to folks that this kind of behavior will not be tolerated.|||Wait, if you object to RMAH morally but buy the game anyway, isn't that like funding the Nazi war machine?|||I'm sure that despite all the "boycott d3" smacktalk 99.9% of people on this forum will buy the game. How can you not buy the best dungeon crawler of all time? 10 years in development the game will be unreal. There is almost nothing Blizzard could change/implement to Diablo 3 that would prevent me from buying this title. It is my most anticipated release of all time, no exaggeration.

I'm sure that despite all the "boycott d3" smacktalk 99.9% of people on this forum will buy the game. How can you not buy the best dungeon crawler of all time? 10 years in development the game will be unreal. There is almost nothing Blizzard could change/implement to Diablo 3 that would prevent me from buying this title. It is my most anticipated release of all time, no exaggeration.

^ This, 100%|||Quote:
Wait, if you object to RMAH morally but buy the game anyway, isn't that like funding the Nazi war machine?
Yes, so before purchasing Diablo 3 you should check your country's extradition treaties with the Netherlands. Although crimes against humanity are usually listed and, if not, many countries have separate laws to comply with UN requests for someone to be tried in a warcrimes court.
So, it would probably be best to play Diablo 3 in a country as far away as the Hague as possible, especially one that doesn't recognise the UN, such as Saudi Arabia or Zimbabwe.
Oh, but since you can't get very internet in those countries it will be difficult to play Diablo 3 there.|||Personally I will not be purchasing Diablo 3. WHO CARES ABOUT DUPING AND HACKS. I WANT TO BE ABLE TO PLAY IT ON AN AIRPLANE!|||Of course i'll bought D3, cause now i'm kinda addict to diablo.incgamers.com website because I want more infos every seconds, every minutes, every hours !!!|||fairly recent thread exactly like this
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