So... I have a large group of friends who opted in for the beta but aren't excited like I am about the game. They said if they got invited and I didn't, I could play theirs for a small cash amount

Agree or disagree -- DISCUSS|||I would not pay to play it.
I'll either play because:
A)I was chosen.
B)I win a site contest.
C)A friend invites me.
D)Blizzard invites me (not through opt-in)
Since I've played it, I've enjoyed the chunk of content. Basically, I would be paying to play for the extra features that I didn't test thoroughly.|||If your friends would charge you do use their beta access then perhaps they are not that great of friends.|||Hey Niz,
I wonder how different the closed beta will be from the Jul 27th beta will be. If it's nearly the same, it seems strange to take so long to get a small number of people going on it.
I am hoping they have added a few extras and/or content..
Muggs: I will be sure to use that Jedi Mindtrick on them. It worked for the Battlefield 3 Alpha

Muggs: I will be sure to use that Jedi Mindtrick on them. It worked for the Battlefield 3 Alpha

This is not the beta you were looking for ...|||It'd depend on how much they were asking for ;-) I've preordered my fair share of games for $5 in order to get into the beta, so as long as it wasn't really expensive, I'd def. pay to play it.|||Now.. for me, if I don't get invited myself, I have no shame in admitting I'd pay for that stuff. I am just too excited for the game to "miss out" and since the full game release is WHO KNOWS when, I need my fix

I was as equally excited for the SC2 beta, and if I look back and ask myself "would I have paid to get into the SC2 beta", I would say no.|||$5 down at Gameslop for SC2 preorder and getting beta access = WIN. Yet, it doesn't seem that it will be the same case for DIII.
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