Saturday, April 21, 2012

Thoughts about the RMAH and Gold Farmers - Page 2

the possibility of selling duped items could create an incentive for someone to figure it out. Everything is hackable.

Hopefully blizz will be aware enough and keep close enough track of the RMAH to monitor that.|||Quote:

the possibility of selling duped items could create an incentive for someone to figure it out. Everything is hackable.

Hopefully blizz will be aware enough and keep close enough track of the RMAH to monitor that.

My guess is that is a big reason why they kept the game online only, as it's far more secure to not release the server code.

With that said, I think the incentive for duping would have been just a strong without an RMAH, because you would still sell items for real money on a third party site.|||Quote:

the possibility of selling duped items could create an incentive for someone to figure it out. Everything is hackable.

Hopefully blizz will be aware enough and keep close enough track of the RMAH to monitor that.

Most certainly, one of the primary reasons for creating the RMAH is so that Blizzard can track and monitor the sales of items internally. They will have access to so much data that they never did, before.|||Quote:

Most certainly, one of the primary reasons for creating the RMAH is so that Blizzard can track and monitor the sales of items internally. They will have access to so much data that they never did, before.

Exactly. This is what I meant about Economic stats. They will have all kinds of data to work with and will likely set up auto flags for strange economic behavior. It will be much easier to get to the root of bots and dupes quickly and efficiently.|||BTW. Is it still 1 game copy=1 account? That way if they ban an account for using a bot, the person behind the bot has to pay new 60$ for the game right? That makes cheating, hacking a botting more risky... And I think that potential gains from RMAH will be quite low for average player - like few dollars per month.|||Quote:

Highly doubt there will be dupes. They already solved that problem in WoW, where dupes are non-existent. Doubt it'd reoccur for no good reason in D3.

You are probably right about duping, and being online-only will pretty much eliminate it. We'll see about the bots and the info can be used for them.

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