Worry about yourself and your game. Don't worry about how other people play the game. This obsession is not healthy.
I don't care what other people do with their games, I'm fine with them buying whatever the hell they want. But these real money games are online only, and I want to play by myself. Now I can't get past the log in screen...|||Quote:
One that will, in my opinion, destroy the essence of online gaming forever.
Iera, what you need to realize is that online gaming has more been about buying items (the asian model) than anything else for the past few years, when you consider the size of the asian market. WoW - and Bliz's model of integrity - have been the strange exception.
Of course, a few years of rubbing elbows with bobby, and spending time doing things like buying football teams and hanging out with hollywood big shots like sam raimi will change people.|||I think the development of Titan, and the further development of WoW are actually very positive developments for the future of the Diablo IP. There's a certain market saturation with any specific segment of gaming, especially with MMOs. The customer is only willing to spend so much on monthly fees... I doubt many gamers play more than 2 monthly fee MMOs, and most of them play only one. Whether or not companies would prefer to only make MMOs is irrelevant; the market wont support that many.
So by making Titan, what are their goals? They certainly aren't trying to gut the WoW subscriber base. They want another choice for WoW gamers before they find something better, and they want to draw in players of other MMOs they haven't tapped yet. So to do that WoW is their fantasy MMO, and Titan will be something different (seems likely it will be sci-fi, maybe a way to capture the Eve Online, Star Wars/Star Trek MMO crowd).
After this, then what? Maybe they attempt another MMO genre, but again there is a limit to what the market will bear. Once they have established their MMO core franchises, they will continue to build them, not replace them. So in between xpacs for their MMOS, it will only make sense for them to profit from games like Starcraft and Diablo rather then continually try to add new MMO franchises. A separate team for Diablo will still be cost effective and in fact, will be a necessary revenue stream to supplement their MMOs.|||I think the Diablo Universe has incredible potential to be an engaging and immersive mmo. Although I don't think blizzard could pull off the job properly. I also don't play wow and have lost faith in them as a company. I was surprised they even got around to attempting to make another installment in the Diablo series. So having it go beyond this would also surprise me, but in all honesty they are a corporation, and whatever brings in the most profit is what will get focused on. So if this game and the auction house turns out to be a huge success, you can see them continuing all or parts of it.|||Torr, keep in mind that the new MMO is a 2016 title at the extreme earliest.
D3 is basically a loss leader, and a horrible business idea. If it causes the WoW sub base to drop even 15%, it is a huge net loser.|||Quote:
To me World of Warcraft (or any other MMO that you enjoy) is the definition of online gaming. Working together with other people to achieve certain goals and being able to relate those achievements to those of others. Goals that are actually achieved through effort and experience and not ones that can be bought. Giving people the ability to buy out their goals completely removes any meaningful achievement in an online context. Which is exactly why I won't be playing D3 for more than just finishing the game and won't be playing with the online community at all.
Listen to what tattooey said below you (think I misspelled his name). You do know that the game you enjoy "WoW" people buy characters and gold constantly, you do know this don't you? Then why would you cry about it in D3 when it is already in the game you love. For example my friend made $1300 dollars off of his warlord undead mage in burning crusade. He sold it initially for $700 then stole the account back, and re-sold it for another $600! And then there's vanity items for low level noobs! WoW is worse than D3 will be.|||Quote:
For example my friend made $1300 dollars off of his warlord undead mage in burning crusade. He sold it initially for $700 then stole the account back, and re-sold it for another $600!
That's brilliant.|||Niesent - you know people buy and sell narcotics all the time, right?
So why would someone be upset if a cop just sells them from the evidence locker to a few friends? Or, even better, just make the police station into a pharmacy.|||I can't find the post at the moment, but someone pointed out that the point of multiple IPs is to bring in money from different players. Given the difference between a $15 a month MMO vs a $60 one-time box, it seems to me like it would be a good business decision to develop games of both types.
D3 is basically a loss leader, and a horrible business idea. If it causes the WoW sub base to drop even 15%, it is a huge net loser.
Do you have numbers on that? SCII has sold very well and as far as I know did not negatively impact WoW's subscriber base. I understand that DIII might appeal to the same RPG crowd that WoW does, but it seems entirely speculative that DIII will harm WoW or fail to make money in its own right.
Also I don't think the concept of loss leaders really applies to software developers.
I think the Diablo Universe has incredible potential to be an engaging and immersive mmo. Although I don't think blizzard could pull off the job properly. I also don't play wow and have lost faith in them as a company. I was surprised they even got around to attempting to make another installment in the Diablo series. So having it go beyond this would also surprise me . . .
If you don't play WoW do you play SCII? If not, you haven't experienced any of Blizzard's work since WCIII in 2003. As a former WoW player and current SCII player, I can assure you that their products are still fantastic.|||Quote:
If you don't play WoW do you play SCII? If not, you haven't experienced any of Blizzard's work since WCIII in 2003. As a former WoW player and current SCII player, I can assure you that their products are still fantastic.
I don't play WoW, but I play (sort of) SC2, and I feel they're noticeably slipping. SC2 is a good game IMO, it just doesn't have that... Umph, like SC and BW did... Sound effects aren't as cool, ("Not enough minerraallllssssss"

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