uh wow whats so important in this garden?! lol
security system = gold sink
guns in residence = defense|||oh and booby traps are neat too, but kind of impractical in the city.
i heard about these drug dealers that had a pot farm out in some woods and they used fish hooks in the trees around the field to help warn against intruders...
walking along du dududuu omg ahhhh fish hooks in my eyes! ahhh|||I've been having a problem of late...
I can't fully play my bass guitar because my pinky is simply too short to fully execute what it NEEDS to do. Words cannot describe how infuriating that the only thing holding me back is my mother(insert) pinky.
anyway, just needed to vent while I try and vary my scales a bit more.|||There's some pretty good bargins going now for the old DVD's, anyone else been skimming for a bargin. Picked up some for $4.95 AUS the other day, not bad. Probably the best one was Darkness Falls. Although Videodrome was so funny back in the day I just had to get that one too. Ended up spending around $40 for a backpack full of B grade horror flicks.
Oh yeah, anyone still out looking for a Jasper? Any news yet? There's none here yet unfortunately but the price just dropped over night from roughly $450 to $299.|||Yeah I managed to kick start the d3 general OT, years from now Ill be praised and worshipped for this epic feat!
Or perhaps not

As to the short pinky problem, go ask a plastic surgin/mad scientist to fix you up with someones elses pinky. Problem solved!
As to security systems and lights, the more you have of them the more people will think that your house must be worth robbing, why else would you go that far to protect it?!
That's what i would do if i wanted to rob someone, checking who makes the most effort in protecting ones house

What security lights, if any, do people have on their property?
We have a set of halogen spotlights near our front and back door with a motionsensor. Also all windows are covered by these things:

Works like a charm.
I can't fully play my bass guitar because my pinky is simply too short to fully execute what it NEEDS to do.
They have this surgery that lengthens the limbs of very short people. Maybe you could get that, but for your pinky only.|||Quote:
They have this surgery that lengthens the limbs of very short people. Maybe you could get that, but for your pinky only.
Interesting option... but I'm not talented enough to warrant the cost ;p
on the bright side, the pinky is not a hinderance when playing games, so I can still own noobs FPS Doug style

You really shot me in the knee huh... incompetence is a virtue nowadays|||Hellgate London is seemingly getting an expansion...
"Korean publisher HanbitSoft has revealed that it is working on an downloadable expansion for Hellgate: London, and confirmed that it now holds the rights to the troubled PC action-RPG franchise."
Probably old news to a lot, but I just read it.
Interesting. The game itself isn't bad, just a few design flaws and some good ideas butchered by their execution, but it was still entertaining to play.
Anyone looking forward to this?
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