I post this here because there was nowhere else I could think of and it's still Blizzard related.
It's funny how WoW serverse have been down now for like 10 hours of extended maintenance, with less then 30 hours before the release of the xpac (and it's not even xpac related!)

I can assume B.net 2.0 won't be immune to that kind of thing that can happen to any games really... Nothings perfect

What security lights, if any, do people have on their property?
Last night I noticed a security light at the end of my garden (on the other side of my garden fence) had been smashed in and part of my fence removed (in order to get easier access I assume) so I've been researching things I can do to make it less appealing for thieves.
I already have a six foot fence all round the garden and locked gates. I found an alarmed padlock to add to the gate but there seem to be so many security lights out there I don't know which are the most reliable and which are harder for thieves to break. The next light I get though will be placed much higher up. I also want to get one in the garden shining on the end of the garden so as soon as they poke their greasy little pin heads above the fence it'll go off.
I have one of those million candle torches which I have in my bedroom now. 'course every sound I heard last night I was up and at the window shining it down there. Makes me angry more than scared.
Anyone got any advice or been in a similar position?|||Quote:
Who wants to talk about WoW in a D3 forum?

We do just that in the D2 Community Forum's OT Thread, and also somewhat in the Druid OT and in the Dii.net WOW Addicts user/social group.|||Quote:
What security lights, if any, do people have on their property?
Anyone got any advice or been in a similar position?
We have those little solar powered garden lights, not sure if they count as security lights though. We live in a safe, friendly area though.

We do just that in the D2 Community Forum's OT Thread, and also somewhat in the Druid OT and in the Dii.net WOW Addicts user/social group.
I was referring to the D3 community,

I was referring to the D3 community,

The barb have massive shoulder plates in D2 as well

Notice how in the D3 screenshot the plates are extremely tall?|||Quote:
This is probably as OT as a post can get in here...
What security lights, if any, do people have on their property?
Last night I noticed a security light at the end of my garden (on the other side of my garden fence) had been smashed in and part of my fence removed (in order to get easier access I assume) so I've been researching things I can do to make it less appealing for thieves.
I already have a six foot fence all round the garden and locked gates. I found an alarmed padlock to add to the gate but there seem to be so many security lights out there I don't know which are the most reliable and which are harder for thieves to break. The next light I get though will be placed much higher up. I also want to get one in the garden shining on the end of the garden so as soon as they poke their greasy little pin heads above the fence it'll go off.
I have one of those million candle torches which I have in my bedroom now. 'course every sound I heard last night I was up and at the window shining it down there. Makes me angry more than scared.
Anyone got any advice or been in a similar position?
Mount the sensors for the lights low and hidden and a 500w light at a high spot.
Just having "normal" lights sure helps. But say if I was about to steal your bike and suddenly a handy 500w working lamp lights me up like Michael Jackson on a bogus pyrotechnician. That would not be handy at all, and running could be an option instead.
Found a sensor which is supposed to be "vandal proof"... Im free for testing!
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