Friday, April 13, 2012

EU players will you chose to play in US? - Page 3


rofl...just lol.

sure, india has bigger population than both the population of EU and the US combined, so it must have a bigger market in gaming or other entertainments, right?

Rofl-fail. Very few areas of the EU are third world countries. EU and US are perfectly comparable across economies when it comes to thinkgs like online use/computer related sales, despite US still being slightly cheaper (which is interesting in itself).

EU all the way for me, I see no advantage of US servers for EU players, and as most people have said there are a few disadvantages.|||Well in Europes case it is. Even in some backwards village in Ukraine you can get decent flat rate internet compared to Canada and Australia where they can't get flat rate at all or at insane prices.|||Quote:

Rofl-fail. Very few areas of the EU are third world countries. EU and US are perfectly comparable across economies when it comes to thinkgs like online use/computer related sales, despite US still being slightly cheaper (which is interesting in itself).

again read what the original post responds to. i only used the analogy to prove the flaw in his logic.|||Quote:

No, the PC market is actually bigger in EU then US. US people are more about consoles.

Look on HoN, LoL, TF2 and other games where you can buy things with money. There are loads of people getting hats, characters etc for real cash.

I just wonder if people in Poland are gonna be put in Euro cash region, or we we will be stack in PLN RMAH region.

Greece region ;-) but for true I hope it will be Euro land.

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