Someone commented about the first stash stack costing 2,500 gold. If it works like it did in WOW when it was first released, it's going to be very, very expensive to get all 5 slots.
Also, don't forget that it will cost a tremendous amount of resources to get your crafters up to max level.
10% durability loss on death.
I think it's fair to say that they've seen the D2 experience and have come up with some relatively good gold sinks.
Of course there will be inflation. Unavoidable in a game like this.
I saw a video where the player purchased two sets of 14 slots, each for 2,500. Perhaps slots are fixed price but extra tabs will scale up?|||Quote:
I would prefer items to be the currency of choice over gold.
The market will determine what item is equivalent to another and trades will be made.
Considering that the AH will probably be where the majority of trading occurs, I don't see this happening.|||Quote:
Am I being too pessimistic ?
Yes, they played the same Diablo II you did and likely saw the same issues. They might be repeat the same mistakes, but I highly doubt it. You'll likely be blowing your money on cool stuff like socketing and crafting.
Also that thread you linked is goofy and more or less another sky is falling scenario.|||I agree that larger numbers are just a needless eyesore, but this doesn't change the relevance of gold as a currency at all. It's still completely contingent on how effectively the gold sinks in the game create a demand for gold.|||Quote:
There'll be a mechanic for gold to be converted to something useful I hope.
Maybe they should have the mystic sell potions of magic find. That would give something to always spend gold on.|||Quote:
This is clearly a big deal. Someone got 2000g. Diablo is ruined.
People like you make this forum miserable. If you don't care, have you considered shutting up?|||too early to judge anything, I bet later on we will hoping that gold will drop more.|||Wow, given the gold inflation farmers are likely to cause, the non-RM AH prices are going to be really insane.|||Since this somehow hasn't been mentioned yet....
A BIG reason that money was useless in D2 was that you were limited in how much you could carry. This is the same reason people trade with ectos in Guildwars for example. The exact scale of the money (100 or 1,000,000 for something) dosn't really matter if you aren't limited in what you can carry. But, if the real worth of something is 10,000,000 gold but your character can only hold 2,000,000 you are going to have to use something else to make that trade. This is why bartering becomes necessary.
If you look @ Hellgate London or Aion they both had/have currency prices in the millions of gold but still had somewhat functioning economies because you could carry enough to purchase things anyways. Since I haven't heard anything about gold limits in D3, I don't think it will be a problem.|||For the last time, the number of zeros on gold amounts is irrelevant.
What is relevant is the balance of gold inputs to gold outputs (i.e. gold drops vs. gold sinks).
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