[:1]We had HUGE sinks in d2 aswell, so I don't see bashiok's post's point.
We were getting 10-30g drops from monsters in hell. I presume in d3 will be the same by judging what drops in the beta, just early a1. How is it different than the d2 system ? Afaik its the same thing.
Just ask yourself this, when you will be paying thousands of gold just to repair an item a single time (ofc the sink works), what use will that gold be?|||ohh but blizzard could make something innovative out of this becasue as we all know bigger numbers are better so if you want to buy an level 10 ruby it should cost you 13 billion gold i mean its great for readability and all(Sarcasm for those missing the point)|||Quote:
I don't want the blacksmith to have to use scientific notation in order to represent how much it will cost to fix a dent in my armor.
Great image; I laughed!|||Quote:
I wish they used a copper/silver/gold system. It's really just hiding zeros, but it makes gold *feel* more valuable.
I like that suggestion a lot.|||This is clearly a big deal. Someone got 2000g. Diablo is ruined.|||I'm not saying its ruined. I just don't understand how bashiok is thinking about this.
ps. very constructive post.|||Quote:
I'm not saying its ruined. I just don't understand how bashiok is thinking about this.
ps. very constructive post.
What do you not understand? Gold has no absolute value. 2000g in Diablo 3 isn't the same as 2000g in WoW. 2000g is a lot if items cost 5g. But it's not a lot if items cost 250g.
I just don't see the big deal here.|||All Bash is saying is that there is no difference between an average monster dropping 2000 gold but causing damage worth 1000 in repairs, and those numbers being 2 & 1. The 0's don't affect whether the balancing works or not.
There is, however, an interface issue that I hope they get right. Every place where a gold amount appears better have some sort of separator every 3 digits or it will suck to try to figure out.
I don't like adding copper and silver, it just adds extra unnecessary words to parse through. The "g, s & c" just become separators, and spaces or commas (or dots if you are european) would work just fine for that.|||I would prefer items to be the currency of choice over gold.
The market will determine what item is equivalent to another and trades will be made.|||Someone commented about the first stash stack costing 2,500 gold. If it works like it did in WOW when it was first released, it's going to be very, very expensive to get all 5 slots.
Also, don't forget that it will cost a tremendous amount of resources to get your crafters up to max level.
10% durability loss on death.
I think it's fair to say that they've seen the D2 experience and have come up with some relatively good gold sinks.
Of course there will be inflation. Unavoidable in a game like this.
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