DISCOZ|||Random D2 monsternames to items!
Puking Sword Of Trashcanpolisher|||How about an item that randomly drops that has YOUR name in it, and could be tradeable to other people, so you could possibly have multiple "Sword of xxFrostitutexx" floating around the economy ?|||Quote:
How about an item that randomly drops that has YOUR name in it, and could be tradeable to other people, so you could possibly have multiple "Sword of xxFrostitutexx" floating around the economy ?
How about (stealing this idea from Tactics Ogre: The Knights of Lodis) you can turn a character INTO a sword which will have stats and mods based on the character it was made from?
That would be a good way to encourage people to replay the game!|||Quote:
How about an item that randomly drops that has YOUR name in it, and could be tradeable to other people, so you could possibly have multiple "Sword of xxFrostitutexx" floating around the economy ?
That would also help with the inflation of the economy.|||I'm sure a lot of them will be renamed or removed/undroppable. I peeked through he list and I seems like there were a ton of unique items there, so I'm sure that's all it is. Hopefully, anyways. I should hope the dev team played or researched the diablo franchise enough to know where the "This isn't funny, it's retarded" line is.|||Quote:
How about (stealing this idea from Tactics Ogre: The Knights of Lodis) you can turn a character INTO a sword which will have stats and mods based on the character it was made from?
That would be a good way to encourage people to replay the game!
I do not think so, at least I will not.

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