Friday, April 13, 2012

Currency Exchange in Diablo 3 - Page 2

[:1]How would you be able to trade your gold for other currencies if the game is region locked and you can't transfer your inventory to another region using a different currency?|||Quote:

How would you be able to trade your gold for other currencies if the game is region locked and you can't transfer your inventory to another region using a different currency?

It's possible if different accounts in the same region can use different currencies. Not unreasonable that some of this is possible (Canada, the US, and Mexico are all in the same region, certainly), though there might be limitations.

Still, I'm amused people think there are going to be these great money-making schemes.|||Quote:

I am not saying you won't be able to find deals here and there, but don't expect to make any remotely significant amount of real money.

This..thank you. I'm willing to bet that this will be the case. The vast majority of people thinking that they're going to make money will not. Sorry. Looks like you'll just have to have fun playing the game |||I mentioned this another thread, but what is to stop a 3rd party site from offering to buy/sell items with a lower cut than the RMAH ?

Since ActiBlizz is going for a "closed loop", you have to cash out for real money right there on the spot after each sale, AND that amount takes a percentage.

If I advertised a website that offered a trading system (with some kind of trust/rep system), where you could buy/sell a bunch of items, build an account, then cut a check later, at a reduced percentage compared to blizzard, I'd be pretty successful. It would be more lucrative for those who are interested in $$ and not bobby bucks, and I'd make a tidy profit myself if I ran the site properly.

Blizzard would then have a moral dilemma. Shutdown a website for doing the exact same thing they aim to do, (which they once deemed "against ToS")**; open their closed loop and allow players to cash out at any time (something people will quickly demand, imo) or even reduce that percentage they take. (and I see this as a far stretch) .

Now for all I know that percentage is tiny and just barely enough to cover costs, but I highly doubt it. I'm thinking 6-10%. 3-5% for the related 3rd party service fees and 3-5% in their own pockets.

** I understand it is "their" game and they can police it as they will, but it does not shine a good light on them if they all of sudden say it's OK for them to do it, but no one else, especially if that 3rd party is able to do it cheaper.|||This again? They wouldn't have a moral dilemma. They would have a legal cause of action to sue you.

Their TOS has ALWAYS said that it is OK for them to profit from their games and it is not OK for third parties to, because their games are their intellectual property. There are no abstract moral values in play.|||Sentarius beat me to it.

This isn't about a moral high ground or low ground. Blizzard is well within their rights to make 3rd-party item selling sites against TOS, regardless.

We still don't know what the RMAH fees will be, but I doubt they'll be big enough to drive people to less convenient, less secure 3rd party sites anyway.|||They said in one of the gameplanet interviews that there will be multiple real money AH's within a region. One for each currency supported in the region.


Gameplanet: How does the currency selection work?

Wilson: Each currency is it's own auction house. If you select Australian dollars, you will be on the Australian auction house. Any kind of fees that you'd have for currency exchange that your credit card company, or bank would impose would apply. It's not something on our side, that's to do with management of money on your side. That's why it was so important we allow people the choice of what currency they want to trade in.

Gameplanet: Is there a danger that people will gravitate towards one regional auction house? There seems to be little point in using the New Zealand auction house when the Australian dollar is much stronger, and there are more people in that auction house to potentially buy items.

Blizzard's Jay Wilson on Diablo III

Wilson: There is a chance that that may happen, perhaps a good chance. I wouldn't use the word 'danger' because if, for example, New Zealand players prefer the Australian auction house because it's more profitable for them, even including the conversion rates, how is that a bad thing? If anything it's a good thing we've provided the choice. That's why we wanted to put the power back in the hands of the player. If they don't want to operate in the New Zealand auction house, fine. Don't. Operate in the one you prefer within your region.|||Quote:

This again? They wouldn't have a moral dilemma. They would have a legal cause of action to sue you.

Ok, ignoring the moral part of it, do you think sites will spring up anyways ?|||Sites will spring up for hardcore. These sites might try to do some simple softcore stuff, but the fees aren't going to provide enough motivation. Assuming that gold inflates and that fees are therefore much cheaper on the gold AH, people will list and buy on the gold AH, and will only use the RMAH to exchange gold for cash to cash out.|||Didn't even think of hardcore, interesting. Though farming hardcore also has it's issues; not something you'd trust with a bot/script unless you were level 60 farming low low content

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