Friday, April 13, 2012

On the nature of negativity. - Page 4


We are in agreement just use different terminology. We used to call em ghost accounts or 1post wonders back when I was moderating a large forum.

I've always understood one post wonders to be just that. They show up just to post one thing and leave. But they aren't alts. They're just say... people arriving at a game forum to say that they liked/did not like that game, for example. They aren't interested in the community, proper.


I am much the same as well; I am a dispatcher, and as such, I need to tell people where to go, and how to get there (insert f u jokes here if you like), I am honest and sincere, but I always try to find a nice way to tell people things they don't want to hear; on the internet, people love to be rude, since the discomfort of being so in person is removed. Since I like being a nice guy, I see no reason to change just because we aren't face to face.

I find it interesting that you feel your personality suits your job, but that you won't reveal it; perhaps you feel you'll be trolled for what you do. I will say this, I find you can be rather intractable in defense of your arguments, thus making debate a frustrating experience, but perhaps it is a question of delivery, as opposed to the content.

I keep online and offline strictly separate, and pointedly avoid any real world related discussions with people I only know online. There are also other reasons why I would desire to keep my choice of profession confidential that go beyond having random strangers poke fun at my choice of employment (which would happen with any job, by the way). All I will say is that there is a reason why most of my pattern based predictions have ultimately proved to be true.|||Quote:

All I will say is that there is a reason why most of my pattern based predictions have ultimately proved to be true.

I wonder if it will be a peanut toss to point out that the game did not come out, so your predictions cannot be possibly be proven true or false yet.|||Quote:

I wonder if it will be a peanut toss to point out that the game did not come out, so your predictions cannot be possibly be proven true or false yet.

Except that I'm basing it off of announcements that have been made. Unless you believe they will revamp skills, and stats, and items and so forth this late?|||But they remain predictions and not conclusions based of empirical data of millions of players playing the game.

Things like "they couldn't balance the attributes" is inherently a prediction that you cannot validate until you see various character builds emerging and what are the actual popular/effective attribute distributions.

I mean, it's one thing to say "I expect this will happen based on x, y, z," it's another thing to say "My predictions already came true." One of these smacks of omniscience.|||Auto-stats implies they failed at balancing the attributes. Infact they almost literally admitted to it. It's just as much a correct conclusion as to conclude they failed at making the game because they stopped making the game. It's called logical thinking.|||Quote:

Auto-stats implies they failed at balancing the attributes. Infact they almost literally admitted to it. It's just as much a correct conclusion as to conclude they failed at making the game because they stopped making the game. It's called logical thinking.

"Logical conclusions" are not inevitable unless the terms are well-defined, and "balance" is about the most contentious term in game design

You could equally conclude that fixing attributes was the ultimate act of balancing.|||Quote:

Auto-stats implies they failed at balancing the attributes. Infact they almost literally admitted to it. It's just as much a correct conclusion as to conclude they failed at making the game because they stopped making the game. It's called logical thinking.

Assume for the moment they did fail at balancing the stats...the devs worked out all sorts of statistics, and felt it would not work if you and I could skimp on attribute X, and pump attribute Y, for whatever reason...

What exactly do you think this says? Does it it impart to you that the game itself will be a failure? Perhaps you are right, I guess we'll find out.

Figuring out how and why things happen can be summed up by "logical thinking". Whether or not that information is relevant, is practical thinking.|||Quote:

Auto-stats implies they failed at balancing the attributes.

That would be correct if level gained attributes are the majority of attributes we gain. They are not. Items are the core mechanic by which you determine your attribute allocation.

The only thing that will directly and logically tell you that attribute balance has failed is when you see something akin to "enough str/dex for gear, zero in energy, rest into vitality."

The only "implication" I see from auto-stats is Blizzard is babysitting the Normal mode players so that Diablo doesn't one shot them with Firenova or whatever his noob culling spell will be. But when a single legendary axe has over a 100 net attribute gain... base attributes can be surmised to be very minor.

Of course, if a beta player like Nizaris can jump in and tell us that we no longer gain 5 stat points per level up (i.e. net 300 from level ups), thus skewing the distribution, by all means.|||Quote:

Auto-stats implies they failed at balancing the attributes. Infact they almost literally admitted to it. It's just as much a correct conclusion as to conclude they failed at making the game because they stopped making the game. It's called logical thinking.

Exactly. And I said at that time if they can't do easy things right, they can't do harder things right and mentioned skills as an example. Blizzard then later posts saying they are going to auto skills, and at the same time outright admitting they could not balance skills. It's all there in the article.

So now instead of "enough str/dex for gear, no energy, rest vitality" you see "hm, gear doesn't require attack or precision, willpower's the obvious energy parallel, and defense... lol". Except you can't throw it all into Vitality, you have to waste stat points to gimp your character. And even if all Vitality, all the time isn't the right way to do it, the right way still won't be the way Blizzard tells you to play, so you're still stuck with a bad stat system and wasted stats. This fact is just slightly obscured by the game mechanics.|||Quote:

So glad they ditched customization via watching little numbers go up point by point to satisfy the sperglords who want to see this genre stagnate.

I like your style.

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