Friday, April 13, 2012

Currency Exchange in Diablo 3 - Page 3

[:1]I wouldn't be surprised if some sites pop up anyway, but I think there will be very few. As you observe yourself, the difference in the "cut" taken will be very slight. Blizzard's RMAH, meanwhile, will be in-client, secure, and permitted by the TOS.|||If the cut is exorbitantly high (>12%?) for going to real money, then the motivation might be pretty high. And if it is that high, it'll be quite difficult to make money versus people simply willing to take bobby bucks. Blizz might very well make it nigh impossible to make money off this game as some people think they will.|||The only FOREX that will exist in D3 is the relationship between real money and gold.|||Quote:

Expect any decent financial scheme to be severely undercut by the same people that do gold selling.

Gold selling companies typically don't focus on these areas of the game to make their money, as their competitive advantage lies in farming, not in market predictions and valuations etc. That's why you see them farming rather than playing the AH in WoW, when the latter could earn them much more per hour.


How would you be able to trade your gold for other currencies if the game is region locked and you can't transfer your inventory to another region using a different currency?

It depends on if accounts are region locked and the exact system Blizzard uses for the entire process. Even if they restrict it, there will likely be loopholes and creative ways around it.


This..thank you. I'm willing to bet that this will be the case. The vast majority of people thinking that they're going to make money will not. Sorry. Looks like you'll just have to have fun playing the game

Isn't that true of real life as well? There are a lot of get rich quick schemes and a lot of people that buy into them, but not so many rich people. There are some, though, and there will be some in Diablo 3.


They said in one of the gameplanet interviews that there will be multiple real money AH's within a region. One for each currency supported in the region.

Awesome post and this shows that there will indeed be the possibility of FOREX in Diablo 3.


The only FOREX that will exist in D3 is the relationship between real money and gold.

Looks like this is not the case. See above.

As far as discussion on third party sites operating to circumvent the RMAH, I think they are unlikely for SC and a sure thing for HC.|||Quote:

Gold selling companies typically don't focus on these areas of the game to make their money, as their competitive advantage lies in farming, not in market predictions and valuations etc. That's why you see them farming rather than playing the AH in WoW, when the latter could earn them much more per hour.

I'd actually say that the AH in WoW is generally a bad place to make money, which is why they don't use it. It takes a lot of work and/or time to rack up cash and ties up a lot of resources. That said, you really can't say that they don't use the AH, can you? There's no way to distinguish between a gold seller using the AH to make gold and a non-gold seller doing the same. If it is effective in terms of time, expect it to happen. Of course, in WoW their accounts can get banned and otherwise suffer when they get caught for selling. This risk would reduce how much it is done. You won't have that in D3.

There are other reasons why you won't make much money in D3 even if you try. Massive amounts of gold farms flooding the market will make items cost very little. Trading on the margins likewise won't return much in general when things are flooded like this unless you plan on investing a ton of real money into the game and doing things en masse -- even that's risky.

Honestly, the economy is going to be dominated by gold sellers. Who will be happy with much lower profit margins than you or I.|||Quote:

I'd actually say that the AH in WoW is generally a bad place to make money, which is why they don't use it. It takes a lot of work and/or time to rack up cash and ties up a lot of resources. That said, you really can't say that they don't use the AH, can you? There's no way to distinguish between a gold seller using the AH to make gold and a non-gold seller doing the same. If it is effective in terms of time, expect it to happen. Of course, in WoW their accounts can get banned and otherwise suffer when they get caught for selling. This risk would reduce how much it is done. You won't have that in D3.

There are other reasons why you won't make much money in D3 even if you try. Massive amounts of gold farms flooding the market will make items cost very little. Trading on the margins likewise won't return much in general when things are flooded like this unless you plan on investing a ton of real money into the game and doing things en masse -- even that's risky.

Honestly, the economy is going to be dominated by gold sellers. Who will be happy with much lower profit margins than you or I.

Living here in China and having personally visited 2 "gold farms" for a story I'm writing, I have a bit of a different view on them I think. The AH is actually incredibly profitable in WoW if manipulated properly and it doesn't take a ton of capital to do so. What it does take is skill, knowledge, tools (and knowledge of how to use them) and some patience.

The people working in these companies are not skilled labor and the cost and difficulty training them in advanced strategies that would be successful in the AH long term is just not feasible. Instead, they farm all day and make steady, reliable profits. Sure, there may be some companies that try to corner a market or something but that's as complicated as they get.

You are right about them "flooding" the economy with items in relative terms, but that depends on drop rates and a lot of other factors. You are also correct that they will accept much smaller margins than we will. Where I think you are mistaken is the notion that they will dominate the economy. They will dominate farming, not the economy.|||I think there's no doubt that gold sellers will dominate the economy. They'll farm and farm and farm, and never ever get banned since it is all legal. The market will be flooded by their products. These products won't cost a lot of real money, but gold inflation will set in as it has less and less buying power. All this is great for Blizzard, so they won't stop it -- they'll just rake in money as people move to buy from the RMAH.

I don't think anyone trying to work the market is not going to have an easy time of it in this sort of environment. It's going to be very different than WoW where all money is in-game currency and gold selling has a very small effect on the economy due to its limitations.

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