Friday, April 13, 2012

Currency Exchange in Diablo 3

[:1]I recently posted up the intro to a new guide called The Diablo 3 FOREX Guide and want to know the community's opinions on whether or not there will be currency exchange markets in Diablo 3 because of gold being buyable on the RMAH. Will this be a viable way for smart players to make money?

Do you think there will be the possibility of brokers in Diablo 3, and is this good or bad for the game? There are some really exciting possibilities here in my opinion.|||No news on this, but as I've said on the newspage, I honestly think that each account will be attached to a currency when you register it. I can't imagine that Blizzard wants to mess with exchange rates inside the game.|||The AH Faq on the site says

  • Due to various factors, including technology, language, and currency, there will be multiple separate auction houses serving different player communities around the world. We'll share specific details on how the auction houses will work for each region as we get closer to launch.

I would take that to mean there will be very few currency exchanges if any at all.|||Quote:

No news on this, but as I've said on the newspage, I honestly think that each account will be attached to a currency when you register it. I can't imagine that Blizzard wants to mess with exchange rates inside the game.

Well there will be exchange rates outside the game regardless and the gold exchange rates within.


The AH Faq on the site says

  • Due to various factors, including technology, language, and currency, there will be multiple separate auction houses serving different player communities around the world. We'll share specific details on how the auction houses will work for each region as we get closer to launch.

I would take that to mean there will be very few currency exchanges if any at all.

That's a good link and I've read that but it still leaves the door open and that's all I'm discussing is the possibility. People tend to find creative ways around these things. Even if there isn't outside currency exchange, the ingame gold/currency market will still potentially make people some money.|||Quote:

That's a good link and I've read that but it still leaves the door open and that's all I'm discussing is the possibility. People tend to find creative ways around these things. Even if there isn't outside currency exchange, the ingame gold/currency market will still potentially make people some money.

I guess depending on the region you are in and the strength or weakness of your currency you can possibly use it in your favor. I am guessing it will depend on how often they update the exchange rate for that days worth of trading. It will definitely be a difficult angle to work exactly right IMO.|||Quote:

I guess depending on the region you are in and the strength or weakness of your currency you can possibly use it in your favor. I am guessing it will depend on how often they update the exchange rate for that days worth of trading. It will definitely be a difficult angle to work exactly right IMO.

The exchange rate will not be set by Blizzard, it will be determined by players buying and selling gold and will be fluid. Region won't matter as long as you choose the right pair to buy. There are a ton of possibilities here.|||Quote:

Even if there isn't outside currency exchange, the ingame gold/currency market will still potentially make people some money.

What I'm interested in is what will be the best way to convert your gold to money. After the launch of the game simply selling your gold on the RMAH will probably be the most profitable and certainly the most simple way of doing this. As time goes on gold will slowly lose it's value (since everyone accumulates more) and after a while your gold may be better spent if you find something that's understocked on the RMAH and buy it on the GAH if it's overstocked there, just to sell it on the RMAH.

I'm not an expert on economics, so I'm not sure how things will turn out in the end, and if my example scenario will happen at all.|||Expect any decent financial scheme to be severely undercut by the same people that do gold selling.|||Quote:

Expect any decent financial scheme to be severely undercut by the same people that do gold selling.

Whatever you do it won't be as profitable as it could be if farmers are doing the same thing, that's true. However, that doesn't mean that you can't use a small corner of the market to your advantage if you're smart. Due to the sheer quantity of stuff farmers deal with they won't be interested in items that they can't sell in large amounts.

For example, even though most people played the AH more than me in WoW, I could always make enough money by buying low and selling high. Doing this I made at least 500 gold per day, but it only took me about 15 minutes. Granted, the Auctioneer addon made my life much easier, but that only means that in D3 I will have to look longer for the best deals.|||Quote:

Whatever you do it won't be as profitable as it could be if farmers are doing the same thing, that's true. However, that doesn't mean that you can't use a small corner of the market to your advantage if you're smart. Due to the sheer quantity of stuff farmers deal with they won't be interested in items that they can't sell in large amounts.

For example, even though most people played the AH more than me in WoW, I could always make enough money by buying low and selling high. At least 75% of my gold was made by doing this and it only took 15 minutes of my time per day. Granted, the Auctioneer addon made my life much easier, but that only means that in D3 I will have to look for the best deals longer.

If there is meaningful money for YOU in doing that, then there is a lot more relative money for a gold farmer. A dollar to them buys a lot more than a dollar for you.

This isn't WoW. There's real money involved at zero risk (now that it is legit) and ALL transactions are readily worth real money. You think D2 or WoW have gold seller problems? D3 is going to be a lot worse in terms of their effect on the economy.

I am not saying you won't be able to find deals here and there, but don't expect to make any remotely significant amount of real money.

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