Monday, April 16, 2012

Wil there ever be Diablo III? Your Thoughts. - Page 2

Where's the option for "It had better, or else"? |||I don't see why we should assume D3 would be a poor game and just a grasp at more cash. Case in point:

Warcraft I is a solid game, and introduces a [relatively] new game play styel, doing it better than most of its competitors. Warcraft II comes along and rules the world of RTS games for a good while. Warcraft III? Yet another very, very good game.

Blizzard has a solid track record (I've never played a bad Bliz game), if they go for D3, I expect a quality game.|||i would love to se DIII!

guess i would have to buy a new comp though...

they would need to make it REALLY good cause the expectations would be high...|||Unless Blizzard goes belly-up for some reason there will definately be a Diabo 3. Not only is Diablo a big enough franchise to warrant a trilogy (I doubt it can support a jeremiad like the Final Fantasy series though), but it also has a very open-ended conclusion that just begs for another sequel.

I have my doubts however about the result. The original staff behind the Diablos have largely been exiled and this means that a lot of the original thoughts and plans for the Diablo franchises future might be lost or redefined.

There is the fear that it might be turned into one of those newfangled MMORPG's, but let's not panic so soon. Diablo 3 will first be some years in the future. Perhaps the MMORPG craze in the gaming industry will by then be over.

I still fear for the Diablo mythology. They might decide to include, for example, elves simply because they are popular messing the whole setting up big time. They might even choose to "invent" entirely new greater evils, wholly forgetting that there are already several bad guys we have heard of but never seen to choose from.

They might also do something totally moronic like making all the female characters even more "cheesecake" than they already are. ("Yeah, yeah I know that those amazon breastplates looked nifty, but we really need more bellybuttons (and not necromancer ones) for this game to sell. And you know very well that we only need to cover the nipples. Silly graphics artists..")|||I voted "yes".

Why? Because there are hardly any reasons to vote no.

Diablo1/2/hellfire/xpac made/makes big bucks (Jeez, it's still being sold in the bargain bins here in the Netherlands, at five to ten Euro's a pop. Go tell UT2003 folks that!)

They're GREAT games, running on relatively low level hardware.

FREE online gaming. If Blizzard keeps that up, it's a definite plus. And no reason not to. A nice cluster doesn't come as expensive as it was three years ago.

HUGE community support. That's you, me, and a bloody big host of others. We all post here. And we're just a tiny slice of the community out there.

So, yes, D3 will be made, IMO. Looking forward to it already. Jeez, It's over time, actually!|||Quote:

FREE online gaming. If Blizzard keeps that up, it's a definite plus. And no reason not to. A nice cluster doesn't come as expensive as it was three years ago.

Online gaming will not remain free for much longer. Game companies are already pushing the idea of 'monthly subscriptions' and soon that is how all major games will be for online play. It may be pay for each game, it may be pay for a service like $20 for all of games but it IS coming. This is what game companies are trying to prep us for. This is why they try to make online play seem like so much more than solo play. You think they added online play to be pioneers? You think they pay techs to censor punks because thye love us? You think they buy extra servers and bandwidth because they love games? They are companies. Companies want money. Companies bow to the stockholders. $20 a month > $0 a month so as soon as they feel a sizable number of people are willig to pay for it, it will be pay-only.

If online play is still free in 5 years I'll eat my hat. Yours too.|||And where's the option for blaming Durf if there's never a DIII?

No, there'll be a next game, and an expansion to it, just because thats the way thay make the money. And it'll propably be free to play on still, at least as far as WC/SC/D2/D3 is concerned... WoW however, I'm not so sure about.

And cook a good soup on that hat tenaka, 'cause if you won't have to eat it, i might |||There will be a diablo 3 in future but definately(i hope) after starcraft 2 since its more awaited|||You people are so behind the times...

:smile: It was worth the ban, Thy. It was worth it.|||Id like to see it...

Im just hoping like hell that they dont WoW-ify it

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