Monday, April 16, 2012

Wil there ever be Diablo III? Your Thoughts.

Do you think this will ever happen anytime in the future? I know that Blizzard is cureently making a couple games, and they seem like they are always busy doing things all the time. I think that this game will come out, but I believe It wont be until around 2006-7 or so. Since DII is a very well done game especially when It was made when classic started. I think that since this game so good, I couldn't imagine how good the next one would be. I just like to think about things like this, because the game would be so much better and so much funner than DII already is, which is lots of fun still, never ever getting boring to me, even yet. I just hope that they think about it and hope it could be a project in the future. Also, you have to look at games like starcraft, which is quite a bit older than Diablo and still yet to make it to 2 yet. So i am thinking that if there is a Starcraft 2 in the future it will definently be be before Diablo III. I played lots of Starcraft years ago, which got boring very fast to me, as well as Warcraft III FT (account deleted due to not singing on in 3 months, record = 1258-210 83%+ lvl 19 RT. Those games are just the exact same thing where you build and attack, which for me are fun then get borng, but for DII it just is fun all the time for me because one thing is I cant play online (14.4k dial up, yes know u know why =\) and also about single player in these games, DII is by far the best because you can play like having 8 people in the game by yourself and also singleplayer is like the samew thing as online, but there arent other people tahts it. All you do on thsoe building/killing games on single player is just kill the retarted computer, and It couldnt be anywhere near real like playing against a real person. I just think of how many new things come out for the game, like new acts, characters, quests, items, npc's, maps, shrines, monsters, everything you can think of. I will always play games for how ever old I am doesnt matter to me, so I just hope it comes out sooner or later.

-SuperSavage|||I hope they make Starcraft 2 first .... I've been waiting for 7 years now |||a really clean, Blizz-supported mod would do. kinda like Brood Wars, it didn't change the engine but completely redefined the game. that's all we really want, i think. i sure dont want it to go 3d like Starcraft's pseudo-sequel, what a pile of garbage THAT was *shudder*.|||Quote:

a really clean, Blizz-supported mod would do. kinda like Brood Wars, it didn't change the engine but completely redefined the game. that's all we really want, i think. i sure dont want it to go 3d like Starcraft's pseudo-sequel, what a pile of garbage THAT was *shudder*.

i thought there was a new starcraft being made....|||Quote:

a really clean, Blizz-supported mod would do. kinda like Brood Wars, it didn't change the engine but completely redefined the game. that's all we really want, i think. i sure dont want it to go 3d like Starcraft's pseudo-sequel, what a pile of garbage THAT was *shudder*.

What game are you referring to? The coming one isn't out yet...and I think it's going to be rather good, actually.|||There should be a Diablo 3, and ideally it would follow and improve upon its predecessors, rather than trying to become a 'real' RPG (like NWN, etc.), impress us all with flashy 3d graphics engines, and so on.

Rather than that, how about a game which has easy-to-get-into gameplay like D1 & D2 (click-click-click, hack-hack-hack/cast-cast-cast) and a decent amount of stuff to micromanage equipment and skill-wise? Add some new and interesting features (I'm still waiting for the 'interactive terrain' we were promised in the Expansion...), keep the same core, and put a decent storyline around it too.

One of the things I do think should be done is that user-constructed items (eg. Crafting etc) should be more prevalent in the game. Rather than having a character decked out in 'Unique' items put the emphasis more on the other possibilities!

I do think that some of the Uniques should go back to being D1-style, ie. quest rewards - but not 'main' quests as we have in D2, hidden side-quests - sort of like the pitiful excuse for a challenge they have named 'Uber-Diablo' (*shakes fist at Blizzard for abuse of the word 'uber'*) on the Realms, but not as fixed-in-stone - perhaps some of these things would only happen at certain dates/times or after certain conditions were met.|||I also think that Blizzard will eventually bring Diablo 3. It is a huge money maker for them. Most likely it will be at least a couple of years. But since I just started my search for the Holy Grail... |||Should there be a third part I expect there to be a lot of hype, high expectations and a lousy game waiting at the end of it. That happens frequently.|||Well, D2 does leave a lot of holes in for a potential third chapter. After all, Baal's soulstone was never destroyed and destroying the Soulstones just sent the demons back to hell. With the destruction of the Worldstone, it would be possible for them to reenter the earthly plane. As well, there are still two Lesser Evils, Asmodian and Belial, that haven't even been adressed. And what is to be the fate of that wimp Tyrael and Cain? There are a lot of questions left unanswered, albeit a lot less than D1 left.|||I actually hope it won't. Diablo was a great game and D2 pushed the level. D3, if made, would be a pure money grab. Honestly, what could they change/do? D2 has been so popular for so long no matter how they do it people will be let down. Maybe if they announced they were working on it instead of the 1.10 patch a few years ago..

I can see them making another game LIKE D2, but with a different story and setting (maybe SciFi?) and probably a different MP format. Honestly, having a max of 8 players really sucks now compared to FPS games that can have up to 64, and MMORPGs that seem limitless.

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