Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Red-outline haters, rejoice!

Yes, this is a very minor issue but I know a lot of people don't like the red outline flash so I was very happy to notice that in the b-roll video, in about half of the clips targeted monsters get the red outline but in the other half (most of the 2nd half clips), they just get a subtle red glow when targeted. This must mean there is an option to turn off the outline! As someone who find's the outline flash pretty distracting, I'm quite pleased by this.

...maybe this isn't worth a new thread but with all the negativity round here, I thought it'd be nice to have at least one small bit of positive "news" that no one can complain about. |||This is the kinda stuff that's always cool to read, everyone likes options, whether you dig the outline or not.|||If this is true then it's good news - I don't mind the red outline, in fact I quite like it, and it reminds me of Diablo I but I know there's a lot who hate it.|||Whaaaat?!?!?! But the red outline is an integral part of the game!! They can't just have people remove it all willy nilly!


But yeah, hopefully this turns out to be true, and is not just based on video resolution/specific enemies.|||< rejoicing!|||Which broll are you referring to, Yovargas?|||Having the option to turn it on or off is great! I don't mind it though, I hardly noticed the "red outline" thing while playing PoE until my dad pointed it out.|||Finally ...something people can't argue about

I don't really care either way about it.|||Quote:

Finally ...something people can't argue about

I don't really care either way about it.

How can you not care either way! Rabble rabble rabble rabble!!!! |||Quote:

Which broll are you referring to, Yovargas?

The last gameplay video:

The most obvious one to me is the two Monk clips starting at 3:25. The 1st has the outline all over the place (and is a confusing mess, IMO) and the 2nd one doesn't (and is so much easier to read!).

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