Wednesday, April 18, 2012

What is the real beef with RMAH? - Page 3


It will take over everything.

People are really stupid about money. Even though most adults could make far more at their hourly job, and those too young for that could get similar results by borrowing their parent's riding lawn mower and touring their neighborhood the moment a real world price tag gets attached, even for trivial amounts such as 5 dollars or less people's attitudes change quite drastically. That WD item you found on your non WD that you either don't need for your own WD or have no interest in the WD class? Without RMAH, the chances are much higher you'd hand it to the WD you've been playing with a while than with such a system in place.

First, shared stash makes it much easier to trade between your characters (effortless in fact), so I fail to see the significance of finding a WD item on a non-WD class.

Second, if the item to you is of little to no interest, be it you have better equips or you don't play a WD, what would you do with it with out the RMAH? If you have better equips, there's no point in saving it for your WD. If you don't play a WD, why keep it? So now you can drop it or sell it. I fail to see how the absence of the RMAH makes you more inclined to keep said item, if it's useless to you. If anything it adds another option to choose from.

Now, lets say you found a top tier WD item. I would guess that you would argue that the RMAH makes the player more inclined to sell it than to keep & use it.

I argue, that there is still that same dilemma without the RMAH. The GAH. Do I sell it, get a boat load of gold, and outfit my other characters/improve my WD? Or do I keep it and make use of it?

The RMAH just adds 'Do I sell it for $, and if I do, will it be for Blizzard credits, or for real money' to the option tree of selling the item.


Not to mention hackers/dupers/botters go where the money is. Just having a RMAH, at all is holding up a big "Exploit me!" sign. And before anyone says that third party sites can still do it, sure they can but their dodgy nature means that far fewer will be willing to risk it.

As evidenced by WoW, the decision to go online only will make hackers/dupes a rare site. As for bots, time will tell if they become a problem.


It also negatively affects the gold AH, which would otherwise be fine, but with all the good items only being listed for real money you end up with a pay to win mentality at work. I don't know about the rest of you but if I'm going to pay to win something it had better involve multiple attractive naked women and a hottub. Last I checked, killing mobs in 3D isometric doesn't qualify.


Anyway the only beef I have wit the RMAH is the potential for high end items to be removed from the in game economy and only be traded in the real world economy. The trade economy is a big part of Diablo games. To suddenly have it segregated would be bad IMO. There's no way to know at this point how it will play out, but I can see potential for the in game economy getting screwed up.

This is the only major issue I can foresee with the inclusion of the RMAH (and separation of the GAH). The majority of the top quality items will end up on the RMAH side of things.

I would think that only being able to buy gold, and not item directly, would help with this issue. People who want to spend money on in game items still can, and those who don't aren't left out (for the most part) of the other side of the economy. There may be other issues with this, but none that I have seen(granted, i haven't really done research)

But to combat this, I plan on selling my items on the RMAH to have access to buying items in the RMAH without injecting my own money.|||Quote:

... Hitler... kill the Jews ... Much like communist countries I might add. ...


People can have some pretty strange (and I think amusing) attitudes toward money.

Thank you for making my day.|||I know you tried to be clear that comparing the RMAH to nazi Germany is overstating the point, but wow. That's just a huge overstatement.

I definitely agree with your point about helping friends out. I remember back when shaftstop was an awesome armor in D2 because you could get 95% physical damage reduction or whatever. I was nice and gave one to my friend. He decided it wasn't very good and sold it to the vendor without even telling me until later. I was so ticked. If he turned around and put something on the RMAH I would probably never play with him again.|||I thought I heard all the arguments but comparing the RMAH to nazi germany really takes the cake. Wow Just WOW. What is next if you support the RMAH you are in reality "Nuking *** baby seals for jesus!"

Hmm apparently the synonym for having or showing a merry, lively mood: is on the word filter list.|||For me it trivializes the time spent grinding/playing for better gear. The fun factor escapes when you grind for three hours and find a really nice upgrade for yourself but then realize you could of bought a better item on the RMAH for $5 in less than 30 seconds.|||Quote:

Ah, nothing invalidates someone's opinion faster than comparing the mentality behind a video game auction house to the mentality behind Nazi Germany. Such a distasteful way to try to dramatize and sell what at face value is a poorly realized argument.

"It doesn't affect me so I don't care" is pretty much spot on to how everything worked out in Germany during the time, more so than any other analogy that everyone would be able to interpret.|||Quote:

"It doesn't affect me so I don't care" is pretty much spot on to how everything worked out in Germany during the time, more so than any other analogy that everyone would be able to interpret.

The key element your missing is that one was an unspeakable act of genocide that many people were turning a blind eye to, and the other is a new kind of AH that only has negative moral implications in your goofy head. There's nothing wrong with complacancy or approval when the topic is a change in a video game that you may actually like or be indifferent to.|||Coombs = Godwinbot?|||Quote:

The key element your missing is that one was an unspeakable act of genocide that many people were turning a blind eye to, and the other is a new kind of AH that only has negative moral implications in your goofy head.

The key element that you are missing is that genocide wasn't on the table in the beginning. It started out extremely small by simply limiting their rights, and turning them into second class citizens. At the time the non-Jews simply said "It doesn't affect me, so I don't care" and let it happen. Over the next decade it would spiral out of control leading up to the mass genocide. If it would have started out as a genocide people would have been against it right away. I clearly pointed out that the Holocaust was a deplorable act, and only call into question people's ignorant line of thinking.|||Quote:

Coombs = Godwinbot?

Not Really.

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