Wednesday, April 18, 2012

What is the real beef with RMAH? - Page 4


The key element that you are missing is that genocide wasn't on the table in the beginning. It started out extremely small by simply limiting their rights, and turning them into second class citizens. At the time the non-Jews simply said "It doesn't affect me, so I don't care" and let it happen. Over the next decade it would spiral out of control leading up to the mass genocide. If it would have started out as a genocide people would have been against it right away. I clearly pointed out that the Holocaust was a deplorable act, and only call into question people's ignorant line of thinking.


Why not find a way to link the RMAH to al qaeda while you are at it.|||Quote:

Coombs = Godwinbot?

Haha! Ah, thanks for enlightening me on Godwin's theory. (I had to go Google it.) Nice to have an explanation behind that kind of behavior.

From wiki: "For example, there is a tradition in many newsgroups and other Internet discussion forums that once such a comparison is made, the thread is finished and whoever mentioned the Nazis has automatically lost whatever debate was in progress."

|||I don't get what the fuss is about personally, I am not going to spend on money on the RMAH but I am still going to use it (sell an item for money in Bliz account use this to get an other item that I want).

OMG Hitler and Nazis? what have they got to do with this? BTW there's a law on the internet that if a discussion is not about Hitler or Nazis bring them up in any discussion means you lose.

Edit: Bah I see someone already posted ^.|||coombs you'll still buy it and love it. You know it to be true.|||Admit it, niesent, you also think the SS uniforms were kind of cool.|||Quote:

The key element that you are missing is that genocide wasn't on the table in the beginning. It started out extremely small by simply limiting their rights, and turning them into second class citizens. At the time the non-Jews simply said "It doesn't affect me, so I don't care" and let it happen. Over the next decade it would spiral out of control leading up to the mass genocide. If it would have started out as a genocide people would have been against it right away. I clearly pointed out that the Holocaust was a deplorable act, and only call into question people's ignorant line of thinking.

I get your point; you think the RMAH is the first step towards something bigger.

Your first mistake is predicating everything on the RMAH's moral short-comings without even explaining what they are; you not liking it isn't enough to make it immoral.

Now your biggest mistake was using Nazi Germany to present the RMAH in an immoral light, when in reality the 2 things aren't comparable, until you explain what human rights we're apt to lose if we sit by and let the RMAH happen. You're not smart enough to attempt a misdirection like that without looking like a jackass.

Think your arguments through before posting them in public.|||RMT has been a growing model in games for years now. To not expect Blizzard to jump all over it is foolish.

In terms of the RMAH in particular, it's completely optional. I think the issue people object to is the 'buying power.' Personally, I couldn't care less about people buying power. I work full-time at a career that I've spent a long time getting good at, I have a family and other obligations. I don't have 10 hours a day to farm gold and items. If I feel like spending $ 20.00 on a two handed axe that glows pink, I am going to spend $ 20.00 on a two handed axe that glows pink. It's an equalizer between the cellar dwellars and the casuals.

How does this impact *you* in any way at all, besides potentially earning you a bit of money? The only time this gear advantage/equalizer comes into play is in the arena.

They've already stated arena isn't going to be balanced around PVE. There are endless amounts of skill/rune/comp combos you're going to run into in the arena, so having a two handed axe that glows pink isn't such a big deal.

I think for anyone with any sense of competition, this is a good thing.

RMAH is perfect for me. I used to be a hardcore, competitive gamer. Now I'm a hardcore life liver. Playing field is leveled and I can still compete. IMO, more competition is a good thing.|||This (sadly) isn't the first time that someone has tried this moral slippery-slope argument in regards to the RMAH, and I will repeat the same thing that I said last time (paraphrased):

A video game company selling a product that has features that you do not like, is not analogous in any way to an oppressive government violating the rights of human beings.

(Pretty soon I might have to make this my signature.)|||Several good points made, Adree. Having the freedom to become a good player without investing 60 hours a week into the game is a good thing. People are upset that they might lose their elitist status if they chose to grind and find great gear instead of purchasing it. but this game isnt really about status. if one plays so that others recognize them for how great they are, then I dont think they are maximizing their enjoyment, but again, its their choice if thats how they glean satisfaction from the game. the audience of admirers will be smaller, tho.

I think the only negative impact on actual gameplay will/could be in arena. but if they do a good job with leagues and tiers, the overpowered people will quickly ascend the ranks and play with people who are equally powered. Also, just because i can drop mega cash on great gear, doesnt mean that i know how to strategize and play the game as well as someone who has "put in the reps" as Tiger Woods would say.

(boom, reference to Tiger Woods and nazis in one thread, is that a first?)|||Quote:

I know you tried to be clear that comparing the RMAH to nazi Germany is overstating the point, but wow. That's just a huge overstatement.

I definitely agree with your point about helping friends out. I remember back when shaftstop was an awesome armor in D2 because you could get 95% physical damage reduction or whatever. I was nice and gave one to my friend. He decided it wasn't very good and sold it to the vendor without even telling me until later. I was so ticked. If he turned around and put something on the RMAH I would probably never play with him again.

So you gave your friend an item but you had rules attached to it but he wasnt aware until he decided what he wanted to do with HIS "nice" of you.

A while ago I made a statement that Blizzard cannot be blamed for people's failures at actually being human and this is EXACTLY what I am talking about. Aside from potential dupes, bots or the value of gold all other arguments against RMAH is worthless emotional garbage.

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