Wednesday, April 18, 2012

My D3 Classes Info Site

Hi all,

I was bored today, so I decided to create a portal where players can go and get all the info for each class. It isn't complete yet, (only the Monk and the Barbarian are available so far).

It shows information on one screen for each of the classes. Including a brief description of the class, their resource system, a picture, and all the passive and active skills for each class. Additionally there is a link to a gameplay video for each class.

If anyone is still up in the air about what class they are interested in playing, this may be a good resource for you. The Wizard, Witch Doctor, and Demon Hunter classes will be completed this week with current info. Also, I will be updating the info for each class as the beta gets underway and we begin to learn more about them.

Most of the info was taken from and Blizzard.

Take a look and let me know what you think....

Diablo 3 Classes

-Degrin|||We already have a wiki. Your time would be better spent updating that|||This isn't meant to replace a wiki of any sort. It is more of a collaboration of information on classes all on one page rather than spread over many pages as a wiki is. Wikis tend to have walls of text, this is short, to the point, and has only the most important info about each class and their skills.

Don't get me wrong wikis are very important as they have loads of in depth information that many people may be looking for.|||Skills first, Passives second. |||Good point, that makes a bit more sense.

Thanks for the feedback.

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