Wednesday, April 18, 2012

welcome to blizzard's CASINO!

I stated thousands of times that diablo franchise is "gamblers"-targeted.

since all you really do is finding loot and actually randomly trying to get a hit for great items.

now with d3 i think its even more noticeable:

think about it:

if gold == real money (since there is an arbitrage between them) in D3,

then , when you gamble for items with gold (at gheed's etc) you actually gamble for real money!

welcome to blizzard's CASINO!|||Who actually used that mechanic back in D2? I mean really...|||Quite a few actually.

I've gambled away several million gold in D2. >_>|||Quote:

Who actually used that mechanic back in D2? I mean really...

What else were you supposed to do with your gold?|||Quote:

Who actually used that mechanic back in D2? I mean really...

Circlets are nice.|||Quote:

What else were you supposed to do with your gold?

I made a yellow brick road with it.|||Quote:

Who actually used that mechanic back in D2? I mean really...

I forget the name, but at one point in time the generic highest end Cuirass or whatever with +health (Elephants? Titans?) and a full set of sockets was the best chest-piece in the game.|||Quote:

I forget the name, but at one point in time the generic highest end Cuirass or whatever with +health (Elephants? Titans?) and a full set of sockets was the best chest-piece in the game.

Jewelers Archon plate of the Whale ? :P

I had one of those with 4 ed/ias jewels in it.

Didnt get it by gambling though, i bought it in act 5.

I think most ppl stopped gambling after 1.10 or something like that.

I think it was after blizz made magics have bigger mods than rares.|||ehhh, guyz. your missing my point.|||about your point.. there is no gambling in diablo 3 :P

Closest you're going to get is random mods with crafting (artisans)

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