Friday, April 13, 2012

The thing with noobs and what they become - Page 2


Just think about it, the whole technology that enabled you to get gaming into your house is pretty new: PCs, laptops, Xboxes, 360s, playstations..

lol wut?

Nubs are great. A community without nubs is a dying community. Companies shouldn't go out of their way to water down games for them though, unless they just want the game to have a short life span (which can be a good business decision, but not always).|||Dumbing down of builds and skills aside, ultimately, we'll need to see how hell and inferno compare to D2 hell. I think that will be the make it or break it question for those who play D2 religiously. At that point, it's more about nub than casuals. A newb will play till he's not a newb and get through hell and inferno anyway.|||Off topic, gamestop employees cant even say the word noob (our any variation of it) be cause its considered as a derogatory statement. Tho "noobs" do keep the economy alive I'm am also happy for higher difficulties that blizzard ports into their games. Its better to drink while playing hardcore to see how far you get when you kill a boss. " oh SK is dead time for another shot"|||Quote:

Off topic, gamestop employees cant even say the word noob (our any variation of it) be cause its considered as a derogatory statement.

Makes sense to me, it IS a derogatory term. At least, that's how I see it used the vast majority of the time.|||Games that focus more towards the mainsteam (ie pretty graphics, not much depth in game systems, easy to master, casual friendly) are usually games with a shorter lifespan. Not by design, but by the fact that qualities that make a game mainstream are also qualities that go against principles that make games have higher life-spans.

An example: One of the biggest mainstream qualities is allowing a game to heavily reward players without them having to work hard or put in a large time commitment. It offers fast gratification.

That alone drastically reduces the lifespan of a game, because that player will master it and get whatever he/she wants in a relatively short space of time.

One thing about game studios who pursue this path - they sacrifice long-term growth for short-term profit. Which usually catches up with them.|||Quote:

lol wut?

Nubs are great. A community without nubs is a dying community. Companies shouldn't go out of their way to water down games for them though, unless they just want the game to have a short life span (which can be a good business decision, but not always).

You are missing my point. Ofc you can shove an ancient video game in my face.

I'm saying that today gaming is much more at hand than it was before, making it a much bigger business than it was.|||In my experience a noob is an idiotic dipstick that does the same thing over and over again usually coming close to losing killing team mates etc and don't listen to anyone, there no time limit on being a noob.

Newbies on the other hand are willing to listen and mix things up a bit.|||I always used the grenade launcher in CoD 3. That is all. |||Supposedly, something like 18 Million copies of D2 have been sold over the last 10 years. Assuming 1/3 of those weren't the same person buying multiple copies (which happened quite a bit) that leaves a potential audience of 6 million consumers to target as your 'niche'. If you're able to draw back half of an audience that large, you get 3 million customers. There's massive room for making a nice profit there alone.|||Quote:

@lilbuddha: it was far less profitable than it is today. Just think about it, the whole technology that enabled you to get gaming into your house is pretty new: PCs, laptops, Xboxes, 360s, playstations..

Funny it might have something to do with the fact that less people where playing back in those days.

as for gaming being new i played muds on bbs before 3d games was anything but a far of dream not to mention mmos.

of course i played games before i even knew that new fad internet came around.

I have had my fill of noobs in various mmos, i try to help in such games. but for me the diablo games is not about other people its about a lone hero fighting the forces of hell and as such i prefer to play around or with a very narrow amount of people.

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