Friday, April 13, 2012

The thing with noobs and what they become - Page 3

[:1]You are forgetting there are different levels of noobs and they have very different connotations.

It all starts with the newbie which is a someone who is new to the game and must be given a bit of slack. They are ignorant to a lot of facts but most are able to learn.

It then goes to noob then n00b then to the dreaded nub. All of these are different and must be treated as such. You are grouping them together in one umbrella statement which is well rather nubish.|||Quote:

You are forgetting there are different levels of noobs and they have very different connotations.

It all starts with the newbie which is a someone who is new to the game and must be given a bit of slack. They are ignorant to a lot of facts but most are able to learn.

It then goes to noob then n00b then to the dreaded nub. All of these are different and must be treated as such. You are grouping them together in one umbrella statement which is well rather nubish.

You forgot n4p, btw. They have to have oxygen tanks while playing, because they're too stupid to breathe and play at the same time.

To post on topic (well... more on topic): don't forget that gaming has become vastly more socially acceptable over the last 20 years. People used to look at you weirdly if you were over 7 years old, less than 250 lbs, beardless and without BO and 2.5 inch glasses and played video games (outside of arcade halls while drunk with friends).|||Quote:

To post on topic (well... more on topic): don't forget that gaming has become vastly more socially acceptable over the last 20 years. People used to look at you weirdly if you were over 7 years old, less than 250 lbs, beardless and without BO and 2.5 inch glasses and played video games (outside of arcade halls while drunk with friends).

That is very true. I remember being in the minority when playing at lan parties for Doom or playing D1. Even d2 I only had 2 friends that played all the rest had zero interest. Vs now well like you said everyone is a gamer.|||These are some "noobs" that I refuse to put up with:

-A noob that asks a question that is easily answered by: Looking at his screen more carefully, reading a tooltip, opening the options menu (such as controls), or when not in game simply using GOOGLE. (WoW is flooded with these types)

-A noob who asks about basic mechanics, yet is at max character level and decked out in the best gear possible. (What I fear D3 will end up showering me with)

-A noob who uses the absolutely worst weapons in a game then complains that anyone using "non-OP" weapons is a hacker. (most recent example being CG spammers in BFBC2)

The first type usually never go away, they use you for your information and go about their day.

The second type usually quit the game quickly, as their attention spans only allow for so much before they are onto the next game.

The last type eventually grow up into trolls, griefers, etc or join the 2nd type in a new game.|||Quote:

as for gaming being new i played muds on bbs before 3d games was anything but a far of dream not to mention mmos.

Computer gaming IS new Necessarily, since computers are new. I remember back when they were only available to a handful of researchers.

If something that's only been widely accessible for 30 years or so is "old" to you, then I envy your youth

Wisecracks aside, compared to pretty much every other art form (whether we're talking writing, music, dance, theater, or even TV and movies), computer gaming is in its infancy, and I expect it to be wildly unsettled for another few hundred years |||spot on i am that young. Considering that many gamers i meet think quake was the first fps game however i feel old as hell.

its to bad that so few people realise how much tolkiens work and advanced dungenons and dragons as well as warhammer have meant for rpg games and fantasy games over the years.|||Quote:

Considering that many gamers i meet think HALO was the first fps game however i feel old as hell.

The average person nowadays ^|||Theres also nublet, a lesser nub.|||Quote:

The ironic thing about gamers is that they generally want their hobby to be socially accepted, yet they tend to resist the kind of changes that help their hobby reach a broader audience.

True that. As far as the conservatives go anyway. There's gamers of all attitudes at every skill level of course. 'good' noobs, annoying nubs, moderate gamers, fundamentalist gamers, etc

I wonder why these terms 'gamer' and 'gaming' showed up actually. Have always struck me as fairly ridiculous. Like the rather simple act of playing videogames suddenly become a 'way of life, man', something outsides don't readily understand, a sort of us vs them sometimes. Haven't heard people interested in movies call themselves watchers or moviers yet Perhaps because 'gaming' is fairly new and often misunderstood, even victim of stigma that this is the backlash, trying to create an identity, a monniker to be shared by a lot of people to have some weight behind the movement, make it acceptable. Duno, just theorizing.

Someone said to me awhile ago 'ah, so you are a gamer?' To which I replied 'No, not at all, I just play videogames at times' More or less on topic, funny enough to link it. Edit by Mod: link may be NSFW

I just noticed this. Something that points to gaming being new and not as socially accepted yet. When filling in profile forms, there's usually questions like 'favorite film', 'favorite book', 'favorite band/music'. I've yet to see one that includes 'favorite game'|||I dunno anymore. I think that comic has the roles reversed in my perspective.

Entirely too long rant about "gamers":


I live, breathe, and bleed videogames. I know more about the history of them than my own country. I know more useless trivia about fictitious video game locations than real life ones. My vocabulary was built around bad japanese translations from RPG's and D+D stories. I stayed up till 4am for countless system and game releases. I played 20hour sessions of EQ, Final Fantasy, Quake, you name it. I tell all my girlfriends that there are times when I will be essentially "gone" from the real world, and there is nothing in the world that girl can do to remove me from it, unless she wants to become an ex. I've defended the worst titles. I've criticized the best titles. I've played them both either way. I don't care if what I do is socially accepted. I don't care if i'm a loser. Though I haven't let games sacrifice of basic needs (food, shelter, sex, social interaction, and beer); I am completely able of fasting from all of these things in the name of a video game. I'm a gamer, to the best and worst definitions of the word.

You don't have to be all of these things to be a gamer, but if your excuse is that you "don't have time" to get good at a game, to finish a game, to put up with a game, to work at a game's barriers, then gaming isn't for you. Don't take this wonderful thing and try to distort it into something it shouldn't be. Make something of your own, give it another name. Watch a damn movie. "Play" farmville. Hell, just think of new IP to form your "way" of "playing" around. Leave the sanctity of "real" gaming to us gamers. Change isn't bad, but loss is. Gamers have been losing more from their games than they have been gaining. Games once challenged the mind, now they more commonly barely tickle it.

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