Friday, April 13, 2012

On the nature of negativity. - Page 3

[:1]It really boils down to the warm snugly anonymity of the internet empowers people and causes them to behave in ways that they would normally never do. I believe many of these people would start to concede to one another is a real world conversation.

I also believe that people are making accounts just to agree with their own threads. You see it a lot a thread that is kicking hard and then a 1 post count person appears and agrees carte blanche with someone and you never see that account again. This just further fuels the fire since now it is me vs them thread and people feel the need to dig in harder.

my 2cents anyway might have more to say after my morning coffee.|||Quote:

It really boils down to the warm snugly anonymity of the internet empowers people and causes them to behave in ways that they would normally never do. I believe many of these people would start to concede to one another is a real world conversation.

I also believe that people are making accounts just to agree with their own threads. You see it a lot a thread that is kicking hard and then a 1 post count person appears and agrees carte blanche with someone and you never see that account again. This just further fuels the fire since now it is me vs them thread and people feel the need to dig in harder.

my 2cents anyway might have more to say after my morning coffee.

I am much the same in the real world. If I wasn't I would quickly find myself without a job. No, I will not tell you what my profession is.

In the personal sector, the people that like me do so because they know I will not dance around, and will be honest with them even if it's not what they want to hear.

I do agree with the sock puppet thing though. There's a lot of that on the opposing side. I don't see a lot of it on my side though.|||Quote:

I am much the same in the real world. If I wasn't I would quickly find myself without a job. No, I will not tell you what my profession is.

In the personal sector, the people that like me do so because they know I will not dance around, and will be honest with them even if it's not what they want to hear.

I do the same in my job daily and I do not hold back on opinion. But I am also fully capable of having a conversation with someone I disagree with while giving an opinion. Being truthful is fine and as you say I am also applauded for such things but I do not believe that is what the OP was saying. Many times this conversations degrade and people become entrenched so much they are unwilling to see anything but their own opinions and after that they start slinging mud. Or at least that is how I read the OPs statement.

And there reaches a point were the discussion can go no further but there are a ton of threads on this board where the same few people argue in circles for pages and pages of posts. Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. ~Albert Einstein

And I can say for certain as I get older apathy sets in more and more and I just don't care to have such arguments/discussions anymore unless I feel that persons opinion holds weight. And I walk away vs wasting my time arguing on the internet.


I do agree with the sock puppet thing though. There's a lot of that on the opposing side. I don't see a lot of it on my side though.

I am assuming that Sock puppet is your jargon for 1post wonders.|||Quote:

It really boils down to the warm snugly anonymity of the internet empowers people and causes them to behave in ways that they would normally never do. I believe many of these people would start to concede to one another is a real world conversation.

I also believe that people are making accounts just to agree with their own threads. You see it a lot a thread that is kicking hard and then a 1 post count person appears and agrees carte blanche with someone and you never see that account again. This just further fuels the fire since now it is me vs them thread and people feel the need to dig in harder.

my 2cents anyway might have more to say after my morning coffee.

Yeah this guy is right!!!|||Quote:

I've mulled over whether to post this or not, since it is not specifically about the game, but about the community at large...since it is the community forum, I thought I'd give it a shot; if it is out of place, my apologies.

Perhaps my thoughts are not as relevant as they were say, a month ago, when the beta still seemed so far off. With its imminent release, the speculative and often combative threads we've read and participated in will give way to more specific curiosities, and arguments about what we know, and not about what we assume..perhaps I will still be relevant, time will tell.

I'd like to hear some feedback on why some posters maintain an almost constant negative posture to not only the game, it's design and development, but also to the readers, posters and the concept of debate.

Specifically, I'd like to know what the payoff is; for example, my payoff from writing this is (hopefully) satisfaction of my curiosity on certain behaviors, as well as the pure joy of writing.

So what is it that drives people to, for example, write that "system A is pure garbage" rather than "I don't like system A"? I used this specific example because the first statement is one of the criticisms that irk me, since it often comes unexplained, whereas the second needs no explanation.

Is it just passion without perspective? How do others feel about this? I suppose we could just write it off to bad manners/upbringing/lack of education, but, while that is a cop-out in and of itself, I have seen some posters here write bitter retorts in one thread, and then a thoughtful insight in another, and it perplexes me to see such, in my opinion, warring philosophies in a single mind.

Well, thanks for reading, and any feedback will be appreciated. Peace.

I think the problem is that the loud, vocal trolls cloud your perspective on criticism. When people who come along with worthwhile criticism, you automatically view them in a negative light because you're used to it. So, it's not always the posters, but sometimes the reader.|||Well... I didn't have any negative feelings towards this game until August 1st. Incidentally I joined this forum on August 1st, pretty much for the sole purpose of railing against DRM and Bobby Bucks, which aren't aren't just rumors/developing features, but hard solid facts at this point and will remain so before and after beta.

Things like Runes/Skills/Monster AI and the like are game features that can and probably will change plenty of times between now and D3 patch 1.13, but always online and RMAH aren't gameplay elements at all and they're apparently not going away.|||Quote:

I do the same in my job daily and I do not hold back on opinion. But I am also fully capable of having a conversation with someone I disagree with while giving an opinion. Being truthful is fine and as you say I am also applauded for such things but I do not believe that is what the OP was saying. Many times this conversations degrade and people become entrenched so much they are unwilling to see anything but their own opinions and after that they start slinging mud. Or at least that is how I read the OPs statement.

And there reaches a point were the discussion can go no further but there are a ton of threads on this board where the same few people argue in circles for pages and pages of posts. Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. ~Albert Einstein

And I can say for certain as I get older apathy sets in more and more and I just don't care to have such arguments/discussions anymore unless I feel that persons opinion holds weight. And I walk away vs wasting my time arguing on the internet.

I've largely stopped posting because it's not going anywhere. A typical thread consists of me making a prediction, various people arguing with it, some sock puppets trolling it, I want to be wrong but get proven right, and repeat.


I am assuming that Sock puppet is your jargon for 1post wonders.

No, a sock puppet means just that. What does a sock puppet do? It says things while making it (slightly) less obvious that it's you saying them. New posters are not this, but old posters making new accounts to agree with themselves are sock puppeting.|||Quote:

No, a sock puppet means just that. What does a sock puppet do? It says things while making it (slightly) less obvious that it's you saying them. New posters are not this, but old posters making new accounts to agree with themselves are sock puppeting.

We are in agreement just use different terminology. We used to call em ghost accounts or 1post wonders back when I was moderating a large forum.|||Quote:

I think the problem is that the loud, vocal trolls cloud your perspective on criticism. When people who come along with worthwhile criticism, you automatically view them in a negative light because you're used to it. So, it's not always the posters, but sometimes the reader.

I agree that some people may do this, but I really don't think that if someone spews a nasty sentence or three that the reader is seeing negativity where it isn't; there is nothing positive coming from things like: You/them/it sucks/is garbage/fanboi/hater...and so forth.

Language is the only medium we have here; we don't vid-con, we don't talk; so our words and expressions are all we can use to convey feelings and emotions.

Personally, I can tell the difference between intelligent constructive criticism, and spittle-inducing rage, and arguing with someone who offers criticism doesn't necessarily mean you view them in the negative, just that you disagree; I thought Iera had a lot of good points to say about his distaste for the RMAH; he explained his viewpoint well, and although I disagreed with his opinion, I respected what he had to say.

In the end, really destructive posts may just be real anger, letting off steam, etc., where there wasn't an active thought of "I will make a change with this post!", but more of an "ouch, that hurt, you ****er, take this!" I think as a community when we can take that person and get them to discuss situations rationally, we'll have achieved something.

I could be wrong, of course |||Quote:

I am much the same in the real world. If I wasn't I would quickly find myself without a job. No, I will not tell you what my profession is.

In the personal sector, the people that like me do so because they know I will not dance around, and will be honest with them even if it's not what they want to hear.

I do agree with the sock puppet thing though. There's a lot of that on the opposing side. I don't see a lot of it on my side though.

I am much the same as well; I am a dispatcher, and as such, I need to tell people where to go, and how to get there (insert f u jokes here if you like), I am honest and sincere, but I always try to find a nice way to tell people things they don't want to hear; on the internet, people love to be rude, since the discomfort of being so in person is removed. Since I like being a nice guy, I see no reason to change just because we aren't face to face.

I find it interesting that you feel your personality suits your job, but that you won't reveal it; perhaps you feel you'll be trolled for what you do. I will say this, I find you can be rather intractable in defense of your arguments, thus making debate a frustrating experience, but perhaps it is a question of delivery, as opposed to the content.

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