Wednesday, April 18, 2012

no beta key for fans with few forum posts? - Page 2

hmmm this is what happens on a friday nite - scouring for D3 info and Im reading about why so n so should get a beta invite ...

makes me think about that 1 1/2 weeks we will have more D3 info then we have had in the past 10 months ... I cant freakin' wait!|||As Blizzard distributes beta keys through numerous outlets (contra Bashiok's oddly-repeated assertions of late) I fully expect that we will have some beta keys to distribute. Although probably not the hundreds that our WoW site got for the first couple of WoW expansions.

As I've been asked this several times in email and PM, if/when we do have beta slots to give out, we'd prioritize forum mods first, as they've given us years of invaluable assistance. We'd also thank site Pals, people who have helped out on the wiki, who have submitted news items, who participate in the podcast, etc.

We would also, however, try to save some for contests open to everyone, with some semi-random distribution as well.

The whole point in having a giveaway is to reward regular site readers, while also trying to draw in new people. I'm sure we'll see dozens of sites/companies running D3 beta ticket contests, (we'll have a D3 beta center with links to every place you can possibly get a ticket) and I doubt anyone will be like, "only people with over 1000 posts and 4 years forum membership are eligible."|||I wouldn't worry too much about getting into the beta.

While it would be nice to get a first personal view at D3, you'll also be looking at an incomplete game that gets worked on constantly, probably unstable servers and character wipes.

I was in the original WoW beta along with every expansion so far and while at first the interest was high, I generally just played through the available content once, submitting as much bugs as I found and made improvement suggestions but then slowly drifted off to play the retail version because the fact that the characters get deleted killed any "must play as much as I possibly can"-mindset.

Now in the case of D3 it is very likely that you won't even get to see much, if any, of the story line or even game world itself (contrary to the case of WoW where everything had to be tested). You'll just play in certain areas to test the mechanics, systems etc and thus may have the advantage of knowing the gameplay beforehand when the game releases.

The big deal is in the information the beta provides and in these days you don't actually need to be IN the beta to get to know everything of it since fan sites will cover them and there will be more gameplay footage videos and/or live streams from YouTube podcasters as you can possibly devour.

What I'm trying to say is, just relax and don't get too worked up if you don't get in. |||thx to everyone who helped me here

in this case im going to make accounts on the fawnsites and participate in contests.

btw i really hope this site will be the nexus of D3 info (items, builds, forums...) because ppl here are soooo coooool


I wouldn't worry too much about getting into the beta.

i am not worried myself too much. i fully expect to not get into beta so i wont be let down. if by chance bliz pulls my name it will be like christmas|||Quote:

i am not worried myself too much. i fully expect to not get into beta so i wont be let down. if by chance bliz pulls my name it will be like christmas

Pretty much. I had been in every Blizzard beta for the past 10 years, but when I didn't get an invite for Cataclysm I realized I shouldn't be hoping too much.

(But then again I didn't even buy Wrath of the Lich King so I guess that might explain why.)|||I certainly hope I will make it to the real beta, but I highly doubt it.

I remember the SC2 beta and just a couple of days after the start of the beta you could download the whole client (cracked) and play sigleplayer against AI. I would be suprised if something similar didn't show up for diablo. I mean, this time they don't even need to implement any AI.

I also remember that some early alpha version of WoW leaked even before the beta. The only thing you could do was to run around in an empty world with no content at all. It was alot of fun actually! Soo many strange bugs..

If Im not selected I will download the cracked client and start playing anyway. It's probebly not legal but my hunger for action is greater than my moral compass.

If there are not any cracked client I will keep my fingers crossed and watch streams while waiting.|||Quote:

Pretty much. I had been in every Blizzard beta for the past 10 years, but when I didn't get an invite for Cataclysm I realized I shouldn't be hoping too much.

(But then again I didn't even buy Wrath of the Lich King so I guess that might explain why.)

that was the only beta i got in without the help of a dev lol. didnt even want to play it but did just in some false hope that it would help my chances for getting d3 beta|||IF we see some sort of key lottery in the future this site must avoid giving those keys to members that joined just because of the lottery. A simple join date restriction is enough to avoid those beta zombies. That is my only concern.|||I guess that an online store here in the Netherlands will give away beta-keys for people who pre-order just like it was with SC2. so I'll probably aim for that.

However I find it best to make sure that the biggest part of the keys go to people who are willing to put time in looking for bugsor gameplay issues, because thats what beta's are for not for people who are just impatient. You should be impatient and willing to contribute

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