Monday, April 16, 2012

I call Pax Diablo!

With the beta so close I can taste it, I find myself checking the forums every hour checking in with my brethren (and sisthren), sharing the excite. However, all the negative threads keep bringing my buzz down, enough to make me break my ten years of lurking.

Do I have my misgivings of the RMAH, no skillpoints and free respecs and all that jazz? Yes. Somewhat. But still, there is a reason I've followed the Diablo franchise for over a decade, hoping for the release day that's soon upon us. I remember a hot summer of 2001, slaving over dusty books studying, my only escape sneaking off to the computerlab for a fix. Reading up on builds, and hoping beyond hope that there would be rumours of D3 in the making. Diablo has been with me longer than my wife and spawned many times more offspring (characters).

Now, it is nearly a reality. And maybe the naysayers have it right, maybe it won't capture the magic I remember. Maybe Bobby has corrupted the final good (evil?) thing in the world. But that is still to be determined - lets just all be giddy as kids on christmas eve. I mean, can't you hear the voices too? Can't you feel the tingling? I do. The special tingle where my scrotum used to be. The shiver that runs down my spine and makes my skin feel inverted.

I'm so enthusiastic I could roll around in my own feces. And I want you to be too.|||I'm with you! |||Quote:

Diablo has been with me longer than my wife and spawned many times more offspring (characters).


*Sigh* (Wiping tears away)..Laughted hard at that one.

But anyway..the game will be GREAT. I have no doubt about that. My only "misgiving" is if the game will be everything that it could be. It will not be the same as D1 or D2...the magic will be for this generation of gamers. Not so much because of the game quality, but about us out-growing the magic.

I remeber almost pissing myself as a kid playing D1, when the butcher first appeared. D3 will NEVER provide something as that. But i disgress...

Trust in Blizzard. Since Silicon Valey it has to disapoint yet.|||Maybe it's the fever from salmonella (rolling in own feces) talking? |||Naah just someone who loves the series.|||Quote:

*Sigh* (Wiping tears away)..Laughted hard at that one.

But anyway..the game will be GREAT. I have no doubt about that. My only "misgiving" is if the game will be everything that it could be. It will not be the same as D1 or D2...the magic will be for this generation of gamers. Not so much because of the game quality, but about us out-growing the magic.

I remeber almost pissing myself as a kid playing D1, when the butcher first appeared. D3 will NEVER provide something as that. But i disgress...

Trust in Blizzard. Since Silicon Valey it has to disapoint yet.

My thoughts exactly. I do trust in Blizzard, they haven't let me down yet. But the ones you love the most are the ones that can hurt you the worst. Which is why I want us all to enjoy these final pre-beta hours as much as we can. You get the fire, I'll bring the teeny-weeny skull-shaped marshmallows. I want to bask in the pre-beta excitement as much as I can.

If the decisions Act-blizz has made turn out to be horrible, by all means. I'll be the first in line of the mob, selling you pitchforks at reasonable prices, no refunds. But for now, spread the love and understanding.

Oh, and my feces are free of Salmonella. I have the testresults to prove it.|||Ah yes... it is coming... truths will finally be revealed, and so the end of rumoring and of arguing without proof... A decisive time for Blizzard indeed.|||I still think the game will be a lot of fun and I'm still excited for it though not nearly as much as I was on 7/30. My concern isn't that it won't be fun but that it simply won't last as long as D2 did, for me. I don't see any longevity in it (for me) as things last stood.|||Quote:

I still think the game will be a lot of fun and I'm still excited for it though not nearly as much as I was on 7/30. My concern isn't that it won't be fun but that it simply won't last as long as D2 did, for me. I don't see any longevity in it (for me) as things last stood.

How can D3 possibly live up to those expectations? Try not to compare them that way. D2 lived on for, what 11 years now? Treat them separately. I am excited for D3 but when it is released it doesn't mean the end of D2. There are still Baal runs to be had and a grail to be scored for some players. In 2021, if people aren't still playing D3 then you can say it was not up to par with D2. But I am willing to bet that there will be a D4 by then anyway.|||Blizzard delays will grow at a geometric progression. We will be lucky if we get D4 by the time 99942 Apophis hits Earth.

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