Friday, April 13, 2012

Hardcore corpse loot and the AH

[:1]With no word on hardcore corpse looting and the fact that the AH is pushed as a big part of the game maybe they could be combined.

At the moment when you die in hc the items you wear are lost to the ether, taking them out of the not just the AH economy but the entire game.This will further increase rarity of items and as a result the prices in the AH, which will in turn reduce the usage of it. Or so I believe.

If there is a system where on a hc death you get the option to put your items up to auction this will keep all gear found in circulation and give you a good chance to get some of your gear back instead of nothing as it is now. Blizzard will also get to see an increased usage of their precious AH.

Not as good as corpse looting I know but better than the current system of nothing.|||I would think that they'd add in the option but that would more less take away the majority of penalties for dieing. Gold is shared, stashes are shared, if you can loot corpses the only thing you'd lose from dieing is the runes in your skills and the time invested in the character. I've not played HC before but to me that seems to be taking most of the sting out of dieing, but that could be a good thing.|||I think the items should be lost forever on death. Everyone who is HC dies, crutching on gear on each playthrough isnt HC|||You could allow or not allow people to loot your corpse in HC. In D2 it was huge deal if you died since you could save some great gear. Also the argument for is that HC is supposed to mirror how a real person would be in the game world. So you die and you die but a friend walks by sees you dead and can take your stuff. It fits in the whole equation imo.

I don't agree with putting items of the dead immediately on the AH since it doesn't really work within the spirit of HC. And who really cares if Items are out of circulation.|||I'd also prefer no looting, here's to hoping!

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