Friday, April 13, 2012

Choose your side.

[:1]I`ve been reading on the forum that Blizz could give us the choice between the good guys or the bad ones...

Sounds cool and as always, to have the choice is great! But how would this work? Isn't the game about killing the bad guys? How does this work if we choose the prime evils as our lords? O.o

I could understand this un PVP, the bad side and the good side just like Chess (Black and white) but ingame i cannot find the utility for this besides an alternative ending...maybe?

Some ideas??

Shoot!|||I pray to you satan, dark lord of the underworld, dont make this another stupid mmo.|||It might be as simple as spells act differently or more complex like you mentioned. If given the choice I would choose evil since being evil means I have no real loyalty and could fight the Angels then turn around and wipe out hell too.|||So the hero that arises is a hell hero?

I don't think the game will go in that direction for the player characters. Maybe act 4 is a city aligned with Diablo tho.|||If you can choose side you want to help, then he 10 characters limit per account seems to be even smaller.|||I hope we're not going to be seeing a lot of this:


For the Hor....Demons!

That would be truly depressing, in terms of originality, to see a near copy of the WoW 'side' system.|||At best I'm guessing it'll be a "do you save Someguyzo the poor sage or Otherdudeo the rich merchant" and you get a different quest reward based on your decision.|||Just noticed this thread so it's a little more hopeful than I thought. Alignment affecting, abilities and hopefully gameplay, as well as PvP.|||I think this is a bad idea. when you get choices in the games story it usually just makes the ending and story as a whole weaker to fit both endings.

groups of humans are already aligned with hell and heaven in the diablo series. but the majority don't even know what is going on or don't really care for either side.

I really think they should stick with humans being neutral to slightly inclined towards heaven. an alternative really wouldn't make sense. and I have heard the sin wars novels lame theory on why angels are really desirable either. and while I don't think humans want to be dominated by angels, there is no doubt most humans would ally with angels if they had to choose any.|||Quote:

I think this is a bad idea. when you get choices in the games story it usually just makes the ending and story as a whole weaker to fit both endings.

Then I guess you never play RPG games ?

If you can't make story choices in RPG game, It's not an RPG game.

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