Friday, April 13, 2012

What made you Hardcore?

[:1]A question that I am sure has been brought up before, but always fun to hear new peoples views.

What made you click that little "hardcore" box and what will make you click it again in D3. Will you start D3 HC if you can, and why?

For me well, games with cheats like God Mode are always fun, for the first hour and then you can quickly ask yourself "Whats the point?" Well that was what brought me to HC. Play softcore always felt like playing a game in "god mode" where you could reach anything by just entering X many hours. Wasn't a challenge just an investment of time. A investment of time which lead to what? Doing it all over again for same end results of killing anything on the screen really fast without care of what it was.

Once I started hardcore the game fest like it had purpose again, a goal, a challenge. Anyone could death crawl their away to MF runs and level 99, but lets see you do it with one life. My softcore 99 barb, was a hallow shadow compared to my 85 HC druid. Later Blizzard expired my druid and account while I was deployed. My barb was a symbol of time wasted, while my druid was an achievement. Never went back to SC and never regretted deleting my barb for more HC characters.

I will start D3 in HC, for the same feeling, and sense of purpose. It makes sense to go through the first time SC, but lack of care towards anything immortal will make me click HC the first time if I can.|||I clicked the box thinking theres tentacles in it.......

But seriously, if i dont have a 450 ms minimum ping to anywhere and everywhere around the world (cept for my own country of coz), i dont mind hardcore. ill expect to get killed every few hours with the kind of crappy connection australia have with either SEA or NA. Not exactly the kind of environment suitable for hardcore. Nothing hardcore bout getting killed every few hours and restart the game from lvl 1.|||Im in syd and i get 200-300ms|||For me the question has always been:

Why would you play SC? It's simply inconceivable to me.|||I dont remember why I started HC but I do remember it was a few months after LoD when I began. My first character in D3 will be HC. Dont know if I will play normal, will see how I feel|||The softies are pretty much loot-whores and alot of the HC players in D2 at this moment are somewhat as well (not all of em).

HC isnt so hardcore these days with the chant and baal bots, its almost the same as playing with the softies and less fun.

HC imo is playing without higher levels holding your hand. Hand me down gears are okay. Its the best after a ladder reset.|||Yeah, opposite answer here but I will never play HC because I have wicked ADD and I simply trail off on to many mental tangents. Then on another note I will be playing/gearing the same character for months and I am not about to risk loosing all the time/gear invested because a quick lapse in concentration.

To me it would the same as playing HC in WoW with a 60+ toon.|||Quote:

To me it would the same as playing HC in WoW with a 60+ toon.

You described my dream MMO.|||It takes much longer to get 60+ in WoW (at least back in the days, not anymore), than in D2. Also, WoW is much harder/easier to die in. So that comparison fails.

To me, D2 had excellent balance of not being too challenging, but able to keep you on your toes.

Why play SC? I really don't know. I will play it to check out PvP and RMAH. Otherwise, HC only.|||most hardcore players know sooner or later they will die so gearing choices and goals are different from teh softies

The old school HC scene was about staying alive and the softies scene was about gearing out which all changed with the duping of runes

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