Monday, April 16, 2012

Readily availabe top gear leads to high player turnover.

Whether you agree with letting people buy items or not, it will lead to players quickly dropping the game.

If all builds are the same, except for items, gives a huge incentive to buy the gear. Once a person buys the top sword, he has no reason to go thru inferno to try and find it-or farm to trade for it. That eliminates all replay value. This is the major flaw of Diabo 3.

This will lead to many players paying $60 to run through the game, on rails, and then paying money to tweak out their favorite character and not playing anymore.

Blizzards way of maintaining the user base of Diablo 3 will be to include a console version. A user group used to playing games for a short time, and expansions. We will get a steady stream of new content to keep up with the high amount of game drop outs and lure the player back with new items and features.|||I really don't understand the concern. You can only buy what has dropped, the drop rate will be low and of those, many people will not sell the drop.

The AH will simply not have enough elite items to outfit even a small % of people.|||Quote:

I really don't understand the concern. One can only buy what has dropped, the drop rate will be low and of those, manybpeople will not sell the drop.

The AH will simply not have enough elite items to outfit even a small % of people.

This. There's no reason to assume that all the best items will be freely available to anyone who wants them. Blizzard is smarter than that, they will tune the rarity to the right level to avoid such problems.

Does anyone ever think about how rare the rarest items in D2 were, or would have been if it weren't for duping?

If it weren't for duping, 99% of you all would have never had Enigma, to name one example.|||Yea drops of high runes were definitely too low in D2, and to the frustration and anger of many. If the drops rates are too low, why even play? Low drop rates make me feel like a little hamster running in a wheel going nowhere.|||Quote:

I really don't understand the concern. You can only buy what has dropped, the drop rate will be low and of those, many people will not sell the drop.

The AH will simply not have enough elite items to outfit even a small % of people.

I don't think so. There was a time when a Grandfather went for $500 on Ebay because it was so rare. But once dupes, item farmers and people just playing their high level characters, it became common.

Even without dupes, the massive amount of people playing and the item farmers will flood the market. Or Blizzard will have to lower drop rates. But if they did, nobody would ever find the best gear and the next tier down will be what's bought.

All the players I knew that bought items were gone in two months. And they didn't even buy the best gear, just the stuff that made the game boring.|||Even buying just good gear will ruin the gaming experience. $10 to get you geared up to pass normal wouldn't be good.|||If it isn't you, why are you stressing on it? This will be a non-problem for anyone who chooses not to buy gear.|||Quote:

If it isn't you, why are you stressing on it? This will be a non-problem for anyone who chooses not to buy gear.

Maybe he wants to pub and is afraid the game will have a short lifespan.|||I agree with OP. How could it be otherwise? Everything can and will be readily available for the right price..No matter how low the drop rates are.|||Quote:

I agree with OP. How could it be otherwise? Everything can and will be readily available for the right price..No matter how low the drop rates are.

That's absurd. You're saying that there is absolutely no degree of rarity, mathematically speaking, which will prevent every item from flooding the market and becoming readily available?

What if only 5 of a certain item dropped in the first 6 months after the game's release? You still say it will be "readily available for the right price?"

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