Friday, April 13, 2012

Latest "online only" excuse, from Frank Pearce - Page 4

[:1]Hmn... so this means that they *could* make offline mode!

I don't care if the game takes 4 months to go out, if I will actually be able of playing the game...


How exactly are those 2 reasons mutually exclusive? They want better security AND they don't have time right now. Both of those things can be true at the same time.

This Blizzard representative was on the spot and chose the easiest answer to explain; he may not have been prepared to deal with follow-up questions about server security and patching. Quit trying to turn this into something more melodramatic than it is.

This is the worse reason to come up for... EVEN IF ITS NOT A LIE (though I suspect it is)

If Pearce isn't prepared to deal with questions about server security and patching then he could simply say: "I don't have all the information to answer your question" and done...

It is not us turning this into something melodramatic, it is just noting how annoying the answer was...


Edit: Of course Jay will get the 'limited edition' book =/

That's quite a sad thing hehe...|||Quote:

Diablo III is a single-player ARPG

you're wrong about that|||Quote:

How exactly are those 2 reasons mutually exclusive? They want better security AND they don't have time right now. Both of those things can be true at the same time.

This Blizzard representative was on the spot and chose the easiest answer to explain; he may not have been prepared to deal with follow-up questions about server security and patching. Quit trying to turn this into something more melodramatic than it is.

If you can't 't see the contradiction between the two stance, then it's really a waste of time for us to discuss any further between us, we'll just agree to disagree on the issue and leave it at that.|||Where's that "why don't people trust Blizzard's developers" thread when you need it?|||I just don't get how this is a big deal. It must suck to be Blizzard right now, with people over-analyzing every single word they speak.|||Quote:

I just don't get how this is a big deal. It must suck to be Blizzard right now, with people over-analyzing every single word they speak.

Yeah not being able to just feed the media total BS must suck. On the other hand shouldn't we want that to be the case?|||Quote:

Where's that "why don't people trust Blizzard's developers" thread when you need it?

Honest question, is he even a developer or just someone doing PR for Blizzard?

Just un-bunch your panties, women. You all KNOW the real reason why single-player isn't in and will never be in. When 5 million different people ask 5 million different Blizzard representatives for reasons every 5 minutes you're going to get a spattering of good and bad answers. YOU ALREADY KNOW THEY HAVE A GOOD REASON, so suck it up.|||From what I understand, they are probably doing this so that they can have a lot of essential game code on the servers. This would theoretically make the game harder to hack, since that code couldn't be analyzed with any ease (you'd have to infer it based on transmitted packets, which I imagine is a tremendous undertaking). This does give them a lot more control over what people see (and explains the near-impossibility of modding the game, as you'd have to reverse-engineer the server from scratch). It also ensure the RMAH will work.

On the other hand, this means that the game probably isn't a "just be connected and you are fine", but one where you need a good connection to play. Otherwise lag will kill you. I know that while I almost always have an internet connection, Time Warner does always gift me with a lag-free connection. Many times a year I have had to stop playing an online game because the lag was too great. So I don't view this as a trivial trade-off.

Of course, there is also the fact that our friends in the armed services often have crappy or no connections, and with this decision many won't be able to play Diablo 3 at all.

Still, no modding, no off-line play, no lan parties, no service for the armed service...all that so they can have security that is a bit better and a RMAH? I wouldn't call that a winning move for the consumer.|||Absolutely agree, Drachasor.

I've said it before, I'll say it again - it is my believe that DRM is the #1 reason this was done.|||Quote:

Still, no modding, no off-line play, no lan parties, no service for the armed service...all that so they can have security that is a bit better and a RMAH? I wouldn't call that a winning move for the consumer.

But we get all those awesome features like... cross game chat! And friends lists! And ACHIEVMENTS! Now reasons such as "game security" don't look so lame anymore, cause you can get some achievments noone cares about in a non competitive game and we get to talk to WoW ex-guildies about why you left WoW for Diablo 3 and why you're worse then Stalin for doing that...


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